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FUN Show Report. Epic Awesomeness Ensued!!!!!

I hit the bourse floor on Thursday and Friday and did my best to maximize my time ...as hard as I tried, I barely made it to half of the dealers in the room! The first day was a sell sell sell free for all as I unloaded coins that I brought hoping to free up enough funds to buy a note or two. The efforts were very successful and I lost a lot of weight throughout the day on Thursday! image

I have had my eye on a great note on Scott Lindquist's website and thankfully he had it with him at the show! This one is a mega tough $5 FRN 637 mule. All of the 637 examples on green seals are extremely scarce!



This note is a super scarce DGS non-mule in CCU from Robert Azpiazu!



I purchased this note as a Fine 12 regardless of what's on the holder. Really tough star with only 96,000 printed! Big thanks to a forum member for this one, much appreciated!!!



Before leaving the floor I lucked out and picked up a semi-fancy SN Numeral Seal note for cheap! It's not completely a radar or repeater but you do have to admit that it's definitely a cool SN note.


My goals for the show were already met by the end of the first day so the pressure was off! I had a great time seeing lots of friends/dealers/forum members, and went out for a few drinks with a group of the usual suspects.

What happened the next day still seems like a dream. There's a good chance that right now, as I type, I am still asleep and this is just a figment of my evil twisted imagination. I heard about a note on Thursday that was in for grading and what I was told just seemed way too good to be true. The source was a trusted friend so I had no reason to doubt them, but until I saw it with my own eyes it was pretty tough to believe what I had heard could really be true.

My favorite series of notes to collect are the 1928 Numeral Seal $20 FRN's. I post a ton of $5's on the forum, but for me, nothing beats these twenties! I have been building a set of both the regular issue and star notes by block and figured I was done for a while unless I had a chance to upgrade a note one of these days. The problem is some of the notes don't exist. Especially when it comes to the stars, many are not known above VF. So when I saw this note Friday morning and held it in my hands, I was a little bit dizzy and had to lean on the table for fear of passing out! Prior to this note, there were no examples graded above AU. Here is the only known example now officially in New! I really feel like this one deserves to be in a 65 holder. Maybe I'm greedy but the margins are massive and the registration is spot on. When I compared it to a few other notes, the top excess margin hung over the other notes significantly. I've rambled enough, here is my new favorite note!!! I am super excited and very thankful to have such an awesome note in my collection! image



edited for spelling image


  • berylberyl Posts: 131 ✭✭✭
    Very nice Atlanta $20 note. I"d rather have that note than the $20 in gold! How many 1928 $20 Atlanta FRN stars are there overall? If its "top pop" and a beautiful note the grading number is completely irrelevant....

    I like Cleveland $20 as well; the large 4 is cool as it is quite appropriate for a "four pairs" serial number note.
  • TennisCoachTennisCoach Posts: 320 ✭✭✭
    You picked up some cool notes Tooky, and Congratulations on your $20 Atlanta Star, a real beauty!

    Family, Neighborhood, Community,
    make the World a better place.

  • CMCARTCMCART Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭
    imagecongrats !
    Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865)
    5$ bills are WOW with the numbers - wanted:
    Wanted - Flipper notes with the numbers 6-9 or 0-6-9 ON 1$ 2$ 5$ 10$ 20$
    Wanted - 10$ Sereis 2013 - fancy Serial Numbers
  • amrysamrys Posts: 143
    Thank you for this wonderful report, Tooky!image

    And congratulations for you new additions to your collection! The Atlanta is unbelievable!image

  • TheRockTheRock Posts: 766 ✭✭
    Awesome Purchases Robert !!!!

    Wish I could have made it. image


    John DeRocker
    The Rocks Collectables, LLC
    TRC, LLC
    SPMC Member - LIFETIME

  • gnatgnat Posts: 392 ✭✭✭
    Robert, that Atlanta star is wonderful. A true trophy item. High grade $20 1928 stars are so tough. Congratulations. The Kansas City 637 is a great note too. Super nice grade.
  • SmallSizedGuySmallSizedGuy Posts: 503 ✭✭✭
    Really like the F-Star.
    Jim Hodgson

    Collector of US Small Size currency, Atlanta FRNs, and Georgia nationals since 1977. Researcher of small size US type - seeking serial number data for all FRN star notes, Series 1928 to 1934-D. Life member SPMC.

  • larry510larry510 Posts: 566 ✭✭
    Some great picks there! Congrats!
  • delistampsdelistamps Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
    Great scores. I'm enjoying reading show reports. I arrived home late last night after three days of business meetings in a Chicago O'Hare area hotel. Unfortunately, that was not FUN (pun intended).
  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks guys, I love sharing on the boards. Folks outside of the hobby just cannot appreciate the incredible rarity of this stuff the way we do!
  • goodpapergoodpaper Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    Tooky, that's a great group of tough notes, and the $20 F* certainly raises the bar for the remainder of 2016.
    "Specializing in Small Size US currency but likely to buy anything high grade or interesting".
  • numbersmannumbersman Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    Rob,you're not asleep........but I bet your exhausted! I was lucky enough to be shown that F* unc beauty at the show and it's the real deal........sure,jealousy reared it's ugly head,hey I'm human....but all was made well when you fed the seals(a little private joke).Congrats are certainly in order!
    Collector of numeral seals.That's the 1928 and 1928A series of FRNs with a number rather than a letter in the district seal. Owner/operator of Bottom Line Currency
  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Hehe, it was great seeing you Rob. Those seals made my night ...but don't get too close they bite!!!

  • Jim61Jim61 Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    I was also fortunate enuf to see these in hand at the show.

    Congrats for sure!!!! image


    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!

    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.

    Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!

    Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
  • TigerTraderTigerTrader Posts: 249 ✭✭✭

    Looks like you did well!

    I will echo the sentiments about that $20 F* image
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