FS: 1963 $2 PMG 65 EPQ STAR ( star grade, not a star serial number) SOLD

Looks like this is coming in the mail today. I bought it mostly to use up eBay bucks. I noticed this seller had sold 154 1963 $2 notes PMG graded from 58 to 66 and this was the only star grade. made it more interesting to me but wouldn't have bought it without eBay bucks. If you don't know they screwed up the eBay bucks this time and they were late. Sellers terms were payment in two days and I would have complied using my eBay bucks if they had been on time. I had to pay without eBay bucks. If you want it at my cost I will ship it to you instead of back to the seller. I'm sure he would rather not deal with a return. If no want wants it back it goes.