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Happy New Year!

The first official post of 2016! image
PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.


  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Happy New Year!

    I hope everyone has a blessed and prosperous new year. image

    Here are a couple of January 1st notes.


  • TootawlTootawl Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭
    Cool notes!
    Are you going to FUN next week?
    PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.
  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Will be there! Looking forward to checking out the new venue in Tampa.
  • Happy New Year!

    May the Force be with you to find many fine notes for your collections!image

  • CMCARTCMCART Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year!imageimage

    Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865)
    5$ bills are WOW with the numbers - wanted:
    Wanted - Flipper notes with the numbers 6-9 or 0-6-9 ON 1$ 2$ 5$ 10$ 20$
    Wanted - 10$ Sereis 2013 - fancy Serial Numbers
  • Happy New Year to everyone... and happy Birthday to all those with birth days today. Now how did that happen...hmmm....?

    There are 662 birthday(s) today: 06sportster, 08HALA20, 10000lakes, 1980scollector, 1all, 2ndCharter, 3 under par, 3sidesofsilver, 66Tbird, 70ToppsFanatic, 78saen, 7summits, abcde12345, abcoltsfan, abitofthisabitofthat, Ablinky, aconte, ACop, ADG, Administrator, Aegis3, agentjim007, ahopkins, airplanenut, ajaan, Akbeez, alifaxwa2, ambro51, amejia, amp0909, amwldcoin, AngryTurtle, arex, armysgti, Arsenal83, ArtieFufkin, asheland, asnovell, astrorat, AUPT, BackroadJunkie, bae, BAJJERFAN, bak428, Baley, bamorgan, BarberFanatic, barberpolecat, Barfvader, barkingd, Barndog, baseball, Basilone, Bayard1908, BBN, begsu1013, belz, Berny, bestday, BG, big d brass, BIGAL2749, Bigbuck1975, BigDaddyz, Bigfan5, bigjpst, bigt5959, BloodMan, blu62vette, bludemon, BLUEJAYWAY, Bobk, Bochiman, Bodin, boiler78, bolivarshagnasty, Booger9989, Boosibri, botanist, bounce, braddick, branjoshryan, brendanb438, brendanlam, bretts911, brg5658, Broadstruck, Brol, bronze6827, bronzemat, BryceM, bsavage, bsides, BStrauss3, Bubblehead, bullman2012, BustCuds, buymycards, Byers, C0INB0Y, cacheman, Cameonut, cameonut2011, camlov2, CaptainRon, CaptHenway, cardinal, cardsfan73, cardsnbead, carew4me, CBJesse, CCHunter, Chargers49ersTigers, charrigan, ChrisC73, ChrisH821, Christos, cinch, cladking, clarke442, claychaser, clw54, COCollector, cohodk, coin22lover, coin4sale, CoinCast, coindeuce, Coinflip, CoinHawk47, coinJP, coinkid855, coinsarefun, cointime, CoinZip, CollectorAtWork, CommemKing, commoncents05, Constantine, coppercents, Cotton65, cpolen, craigger19, craZ4coins, crippledcritter, Crocker79, Cruzi, csakers, CSTestForum, Cubswin82, cucamongacoin, cucurbit, CuKevin, CuseSteve, CW, dacubfan, DanBessette, DanCong, Danny Smith, Danye West, DarkStar, DateBackDude, DaveG, daveu, david3142, davids5104, dberk12, dbldie55, Dboneesq, DCW, DeliaBug, dennis07, depcs, DepressionscripGuy, DerekD, derryb, determined, determined 2, detroitfan2, dgordo, divecchia, djolley, djr, DM23HOF, DMWJR, DoctorK, Dog97, Donniebaseball2332, donnybaseball18, Doublestriker, DrBuster, drfish, DrFong, Driggs, drsvenghali, DRUNNER, drwstr123, dsgill, dstudeba, dtkk49a, Dty, Dudley, DUIGUY, Duluth Eskimo, Eagleguy, edgar, effe, element159, ElKevvo, ElmerFusterpuck, elronmckenzie, epcjimi1, Estil, etexmike, EVillageProwler, Falk25, FavreFan1971, fcloud, firstbase23, firstspousecoins, FisherCat, Fishmonger, Flash, Flatwoods, flcardtrader, fooz, fred13, FredF, FredWeinberg, FullCameo, ga5150, galaxy27, garrettj34, Garys64wildcat, Gazes, gconover, Gemyanks10, GeneralJim, Geotovore, giantsfan20, gkpolk, gnat, goldbug, Goldbully, GoldenEgg, goldgirl, Goldinmyblood, Goldlabels, gomazz, gonzer, goodmoney4badmoney, GraderOfDeath, graygator, grayhawkgolf, greghansen, gregr2, GrimReaper, grote15, gsalex, HalfCollector, halfhunter, HalfStrike, haliguy, Hallco, halosfan, hammer1, HandH, harasha, HaRoth, HATTRICK, haxx5300, hchcoin, Heywood, hhm224, hickoryridge, HistoryMajor, hnupe3, Hobosapian, HoledandCreative, hollowstar, Huncrelan, IBYALLCOINS, iccurrency, Icollecteverything, illini420, Indy78, Iosephus, Ironmanfan, jackstraw, Jackthecat1, JasonM32, JasonRiffeRareCoins, JBrules, jdl13, jdmern, Jeb, jeb135, JedPlanchet, jeffcbay, JeffersonFrog, jeffv96masters, jennifershindler, jerseycat101, JerseyJoe, jessenvero, jfkheat, JGnumismatics, JGusta77, jhdfla, Jim61, Jinx86, JJSingleton, jjworm, jmb, jmlabonner, jmoran19, jnorlund, Joe87, joetoner, joeykoins, John, Johnny Garcia, JohnnyCache, JohnsCoins, johntookit, JoJie, jonathanb, JoshL, jp297, JRocco, JSammy, jsanz, jtlee321, JulianWells, justcollecting, jvandy82, JWBlue, KAJ1, keets, KennyBerger, keyguy, keyman64, kiwifever, KJB, kmag100, knightem, KollectorKing, kranky, Kudbegud, kwaresmalocke, kwtoz, Kyle, lablover, LacosteKidPGH, Lakesammman, LanceNewmanOCC, LanLord, LarkinCollector, larry510, larryallen73, lawnmowerman, ldferg, ldhair, leftofdial, Lehigh96, Leothelion, leothelyon, liefgold, Littletweed, LMM, LochNESS, LogPotato, longtimemetsfan, lordmarcovan, Luckypapermoney, lusterlover, MAM0912, mannie gray, MANOFCOINS, Manorcourtman, MantleFan23, marcmoish, Mark, MarkStephenson, matttrook, Maxcrusha, mb2005, mbogoman, mbwizkid, mcbean44, mcholke, mcoach99, mdkuom, MEC2, mercurydimeguy, messydesk, Metalsman, Mets6986, MICHAELDIXON, MidLifeCrisis, mikelowell25, mikemarsh76, MisterBungle, Mitchell, mjohnatgt, mknez, mksherman, mlbfan2, ModCrewman, Montyhall, mozin, MP Auctions, mp3j, MR168, mr1874, mrearlygold, MrG, MrLee, mrpeanut39, MrScience, ms70, msch1man, MULLINS5, museumcoin, mustangmanbob, Muygrandeoso, mvs7, MWallace, MyDaughtersNameIsMattingly, Mzim, NamesJay, nankraut, Nap, nascarticketstubs, NECE, nevets209, NewEnglandNotes, NickDanger, nohitters, Nolimit, NotSure, nurmaler, Nysoto, NYY Collector, oih82w8, OilCanDan, oilers99, OKbustchaser, oklahomadanny, OldIndianNutKase, onebamafan, Onedollarnohollar, OPA, OperationButter, oreville, OriginalDan, Orioles, orioles93, Outhaul, Overdate, p8nt, packerfan1964, packman, paesan, Paflyfis, Pandavab, PatAR, pcgs69, PCGSCSManager, pdub1819, Perfection, perfectstrike, PerryHall, Pete41, PhilG, phillysfinest311, piecesofme, pitboss, PKing, Pokermandude, pootshwan, Priller, PRIZ430, ProfHaroldHill, projectboy22, pruebas, PSASAP, pspa123, pswebauctions, Pucsdt, quarterjack57, Quarternut, Rampage, Rarestuff, rawteam1, RB1026, rdell36, Realone, recbball, RedRomad275, Rehctelf, renman95, rfisher540, rhknauss, rhound1977, RichieURich, ricko, rippapotomus, rjk, rkp, rmpsrpms, robert67, robertpr, rogerdiehl, RogerRamjet, RonB, RookieAddict, RPM2, RR, ryanseven, RYK, Sabrgeek, SACE, SanctionII, SaorAlba, sbfinley, ScarsdaleCoin, Schmitz7, scooter729, SDSportsFan, Sdub, seagx9, seanq, SeattleSlammer, SECollector, secret santa, seebelow, SemperFI, ShadyDave, shish, shrewsbury, shu4040, Shulessjohn, SidePocket, SilverDaddy, simkofab, SimplyCoins1, Sleeper Hunter III, SleepyDave, SLQANDSILVERDOLLARNUT, smallpaul2002, SmallSizedGuy, smithling1010, SoCalBigMark, Sonorandesertrat, sonoranmonsoon, spacehayduke, sparky64, Specbid, SpinFadeSplash23, SportsModerator1, ssinrth, ssollars, Staircoins, stealer, Stewie, Stingray, STLNATS, stman, Stone193, StoneyPoint, Stooge, StrikeOutXXX, Stuart, stubs, SullivanNumismatics, SumoMenkoMan, Sun Diego, svtPONY95, Swampboy, swish54, syl, SYRACUSIAN, T202, tabascoii, Tabe, techwriter, Ted 1, telephoto1, TennesseeDave, TennesseeJed, TennisCoach, TEXANCOINLOVER, thatoneguy, thebaseballcardkid, thebigeng, thecointrader, thekid8, thenavarro, TheRock, therookiemonster, thesouthdoesitagain, TheThrill22, Throwback59, thunderdan, Tibor, TigerTrader, Time4aGansett, TIPPAHNUM, TN10, TNP777, TomB, Tomi, TommyType, tomtomtomtom, Tookybandit, TopographicOceans, topstuf, TPRC, tradedollarnut, Traz, TruckerJimbo, TwoSides2aCoin, tyler267, Type2, UltraHighRelief, unclebob, UncleJoe, USARARE, USAROK, uzuiwek, VanHalen, VictorLaszlo, Vieques54, vintagefun, volinov, Walter, WalterSobchak, Warriors8, watchcollectortoo, wev, WhiteTornado, WHPRATT, wilkiebaby11, williamk03, WillieBoyd2, windwhispersintrees, Wingsrule, winky, WinLoseWin, woody3882, wooglout, worldcoinguy, wvnationals, yarb0, yosclimber, zep33, zippcity, Zogs, Zohar, Zoins, zompels
    Come and see a forgotten piece of history.....


    Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
  • Wow, that's amazing...


    But I'm afraid here's something more than strange...image

  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    People don't like putting their real birthday. Entering 01-01 must be a popular choice when people set up their accounts.
  • since my name is on the list and I know I did not put 1-1, I would "assume" the loverly SW decided what my birthday is and autopopulated with 1-1
  • TookybanditTookybandit Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭
    Crap, I retract my statement ...I'm on there too!!!
  • I am looking forward to my collector's universe birthday gift. A Grand Watermelon perhaps ?
  • Mine too! I checked my birth certificate and it's definitely NOT 01-01; must be a glitch in the new software OR birthdays are kept in some sort of database/spreadsheet that will default to 01-01-xxxx when nothing is entered. Gotta love upgrades. image
    Looking for CU $1 FRN 05232016 - any series or block. Please PM
    Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM


  • Jim61Jim61 Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    Happy New Year everyone! All the best to you in 2016!!!!


    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!

    Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.

    Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!

    Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
  • FlashFlash Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭
    That list was close on the birthdays. We ALL definitely have a birthday this year

  • luckybucksluckybucks Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭
    Luckypapermoney. Hey, someone stole my handle. Now I need to charge royalties .................................. to afford more cool notes ;C)
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