"In Sweden, a Cash-Free Future Nears"

Is this where the United States is headed?
"Bills and coins now represent just 2 percent of Sweden’s economy, compared with 7.7 percent in the United States and 10 percent in the euro area. This year, only a fifth of all consumer payments in Sweden have been made in cash, compared with an average of 75 percent in the rest of the world, according to Euromonitor International."
"Cards are still king in Sweden - with nearly 2.4 billion credit and debit transactions in 2013, compared with 213 million 15 years earlier. But even plastic is facing competition, as a rising number of Swedes use apps for everyday commerce."
"At more than half of the branches of the country’s biggest banks, including SEB, Swedbank, Nordea Bank and others, no cash is kept on hand, nor are cash deposits accepted. They say they are saving a significant amount on security by removing the incentive for bank robberies."
Article in the New York Times
"Bills and coins now represent just 2 percent of Sweden’s economy, compared with 7.7 percent in the United States and 10 percent in the euro area. This year, only a fifth of all consumer payments in Sweden have been made in cash, compared with an average of 75 percent in the rest of the world, according to Euromonitor International."
"Cards are still king in Sweden - with nearly 2.4 billion credit and debit transactions in 2013, compared with 213 million 15 years earlier. But even plastic is facing competition, as a rising number of Swedes use apps for everyday commerce."
"At more than half of the branches of the country’s biggest banks, including SEB, Swedbank, Nordea Bank and others, no cash is kept on hand, nor are cash deposits accepted. They say they are saving a significant amount on security by removing the incentive for bank robberies."
Article in the New York Times
My website: RICurrency.com
== they are pretty notes
Edited to add Swedish note
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
In my business, I do not accept credit cards.
Canada dropped the penny. I was just in a country where they do not really have really small change. Things may still be priced out to the single digit, but will round the total when paying with cash. Which means sometimes you lose unless you have non-existent exact change or they have the small coins needed to get close. CC pay the exact value
I do agree there will be a cash economy in the US for a very long time, but there is no reason to not embrace other ways to move money around.
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
I have similar to this one, to lazy to photo it now...
1. Any The Zanzibar Government note in any condition.
Thanks for sharing everyone.
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061