This is a test to see if a post can contain a hyperlink to another post on the form:
Yes, it works:
In the main forum topic page, right click over the post you wish to link and "Copy Address" Go to your comment in the post topic you want the link to be included and click on the "Link" icon. Paste the copied address into the URL.
Thank for setting up this test site.
Use the DIRECT choice.
Click the Image Icon and insert the URL.
The picture will show when you "Reply to Topic"
Also large Euro notes. Posted here because this would have an impact on the coin business.
and follow one of the WP links provided you end up here -
This is a test to see if a post can contain a hyperlink to another post on the form:
Yes, it works:
In the main forum topic page, right click over the post you wish to link and "Copy Address"
Go to your comment in the post topic you want the link to be included and click on the "Link" icon.
Paste the copied address into the URL.