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ssollarsssollars Posts: 933 ✭✭✭✭
It's that time a year again to break out my stash and pick out 12 days worth of ripping material. This year I am returning to my tradition of ripping a '58 FB Cello! However, since I have more than one to choose from I'm going to let you guys pick the one I'll open on Christmas Day.

While I'm choosing the packs for the rest of the 11 days, here is a list of the four that I have and who is on top/bottom...//n

1 - PSA 7 - Jon Arnett/49ers TeamText\n

2 - PSA 7 - Walt Yowarsky/Bears Team//r

3 - PAS 6 - Ray Mathews/Gino Marchetti\r

4 - PSA 5 - Chet Hanulak/ R.C. Owens

The pack with the most votes by Sunday evening will get added to the 12 day!

I'll post the full schedule (with pics) of what is going to get ripped Monday evening.

The official kick-off of the carnage will start a week later on the 14th.

As of now, I know this year will equal or most likely beat last years in the worth total and will include at least a wax run from '75 to '90!




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