chemically altered $2 red seal OR genuine error?

I know, I know. Completely unmentioned by the seller. Not being sold as an error. BUT this one looked different than the "orange seal" fakes. The numbers and seal appear to be missing, but does the engraving near the missing red ink seem washed?

First reaction is FAKE of course. Until better pictures, what are your thoughts?

First reaction is FAKE of course. Until better pictures, what are your thoughts?
To better determine you really need to be able to pick this up in your hands.
The first test would be the nose test.
Then since it is a 1953 and not well worn, some embossing should still be there IMO.
Then look at the red ink removal areas under a higher power loupe.
Just my initial thoughts.
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
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In hand in low light it looked good. However, in bright daylight you could tell it was a bit lighter in the red ink areas. The note also had no embossing and yes it did smell like soap or something. I returned this note, no problem. I had a feeling it was worked on, but it was worth a shot. As always, thanks for your thoughts.
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
There seems to be a bright patch where the reds were but the photo makes it difficut to tell.
I have seen $5 red seals with full embossing with no red overprint. The give-away was the paper was too bright.
Collector of US Small Size currency, Atlanta FRNs, and Georgia nationals since 1977. Researcher of small size US type - seeking serial number data for all FRN star notes, Series 1928 to 1934-D. Life member SPMC.