Dog Vignettes

I did not want to hijack the other thread, so I created a new one. I know this was a popular vignette.
Not sure if there already is a thread on this, but we always stand to see a few more pictures
Here is an American Banknote proof of a dog vignette and a stock certificate with that famous dog.
Not sure if there already is a thread on this, but we always stand to see a few more pictures
Here is an American Banknote proof of a dog vignette and a stock certificate with that famous dog.
Please PM me with any available for sale.
US Obsoletes esp NJ, WEB Notes,
National Iron Bank of Morristown (#1113) and Irish Currency
Check this one out. It's the only one I know of where it's a puppy and "Not" a grown adult dog but I may be wrong.
John DeRocker
The Rocks Collectables, LLC
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
from an elk's lodge note
I have never seen these before... Those are some pretty awesome backs!
The seller lists the items this was used on as:
El Banco De Trujillo, Peru, 50 Centavos, Face
El Banco De Trujillo, Peru, 5 Soles, Face
El Banco De Espana, Spain, 1000 Oesetas, Back
American Legion Of Honor, Benefit, 1881
Warrant Of The City Of Memphis, Tennessee, $2
Trader's Bank, St. Louis, Missouri, Check
none of which I currently have, but would be nice to find
and a nice train stock certificate, with a dog vignette at bottom
This got me wondering about dogs featured on other panels in the ABN series. I have all six portfolios so I went digging. There are actually a great many, but I'll only post the most prominent dogs here. They also appear in a number of banknote vignettes as members of rural families and companions to frontiersmen.
ABN repeated the Animal Kingdom theme in most of the portfolios. In 1988, this panel included "Dog and Treasury," engraved in 1874 by James Smillie for ABN. It appears on a 50 peso note from El Banco Mexicano in Chihuahua.
On the 1989 panel, you'll find "Hound's Head," engraved in 1866 by Henry Beckwith, also for ABN. It appears on the back of a 5 peso Argentina note from El Banco Provincial de Santa Fe in 1874, and in 1872 on the back of a 10 soles note from El Banco National del Peru in Lima.
The nicest thematic panel of the series, though, is from 1992, entitled "Man's Best Friend." It features eight engravings specifically of dogs. Many of these appear on stocks, bonds and banknotes. Rather than typing it all out, I'll post the information sheet that accompanies the panel.
I can post close-ups of these, if you like. The most interesting one is in the center, an action scene of a dog rescuing a toddler from drowning in the creek -- it's titled "Saved."
but nothing beats the real one