Two new Matte Proof Lincoln Sets, #2 & #3

Tim Liston has put up both of his Matte Proof Lincoln sets. They are very nice sets, and worth checking out. I have asked him to join the boards, and I hope he does.
To have not 1 but 2 sets of that calibur is an astonishing accomplishment.KUDOS to him and the Registry.I'm glad I stayed out of the Matte Proofs.
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
perfectstrike (David)
You know he could have put up ONE technically better set, but he chose a classier approach. One is a "medium" red-brown set, and the other set is all color.
It is really quite an accomplishment.
The Ludlow Brilliant Collection (1938-64)
I have a question for you regarding your Matte Proofs. Do all of your Matte Proof Lincolns exhibit the diagnostics that Leonard Albrecht described in his 1983 ANAAB report? I know that there may be some that are true Matte Proofs that don't show his diagnostics, but of the 18 you have, how many of them do show them. Thanks, Steve
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
I just finished setting up my digital camera rig last night. I'm working on circulated cent pictures, but I'll drop a few toned in the batch (raw and slabbed) and let you know what works when I get to that far.
To perfectstrike: Good luck with the digital photos. I have an older 1 megapixel camera, and I bought a couple macro lenses and have tried my best. I can take pretty decent pictures of circ silver and even circ copper, but I have had no success accurately capturing toning on copper. But I have not been real patient. Maybe you have better equiment or more patience, I suspect you will need it if you are able to capture toning on a digital photo.
Thanks both.
Your sets sound Very nice.
Great to have another Lincoln guy aboard !!!!!