LKCA - PCDA World Session #1 Result Question

Can anyone explain this?
Mauritius 1930 5 rupees in XF-40
I know there's not a ton of world folks on this forum, but this is a completely insane result. When it came on the block I thought it was a typo.
Mauritius 1930 5 rupees in XF-40
I know there's not a ton of world folks on this forum, but this is a completely insane result. When it came on the block I thought it was a typo.
Check out my world paper money collection at
Obviously with a low population of 3, there were at least 2 bidders that needed it very badly to complete a set.
I hate it when that happens when I am buying, but selling is OK.
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16566561 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps and TheRock!
Looking for $1 CU FRN radar 16977961.
Looking for $1 CU FRN 99999961 - NOT ANY MORE, THANK YOU delistamps!
Looking for $50 FRN 00000061
Edit: Oh, I didn't bid either.
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
I wasn't bidding on this one and these Mauritius notes anyway came up too late for me (about 2:00 am). I have both 5's for KGV and KGVI and had I been able to stay awake for the 10's I probably would have bid for both. The KGV went cheap imho. But both 10 rupee notes before Lyn had the restoration done were real dogs.
Oh well, I guess someone really wanted it - it IS a very nice note in much better condition than they usually show up.
and: this one also seemed to have a low reserve
Their own archives reveals 4 unique notes, only one of which was slabbed (this one). Heritage has another one in their archives. A simple google image search revealed a half dozen other serial numbers. There are 6 on eBay right now.
The foreign paper market is still largely un-slabbed - THAT'S why I have an issue with that statement. The "population report" I assume is the PMG pop report, but even if it's PCGS + PMG, it's dishonest because it makes it out like there's only three known and that's flat wrong.
I collect 1915-1940 Latvia in depth and see this practice all the time. In this case there's several types that were never issued but survived in high grade in large quantities (1937-40 Ls 10, 1938 Ls 25, 1935-6 Ls 20) but few have been slabbed. Using pop reports are technically accurate, I suppose, but terribly misleading and paint an incomplete, deceptive picture. But such is the world of plastic at times.
I have no idea, but plenty, surely over 50, and they do exist in nice grades. The foreign paper market is still largely un-slabbed - THAT'S why I have an issue with that statement. The "population report" I assume is the PMG pop report, but even if it's PCGS + PMG, it's dishonest because it makes it out like there's only three known and that's flat wrong.
Their own archives reveals 4 unique notes, only one of which was slabbed (this one). Heritage has another one in their archives. A simple google image search revealed a half dozen other serial numbers. There are 6 on eBay right now.
I've always viewed the population reports with TWO grains of salt.
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
BTW, it appears that all 8 Latvian lots sold, but most at the start bid of 60% of low estimate. Are these actual sales or does this reflect unsold lots with correction to the data base later?
Yeah, I believe all those lots sold for those prices (which is without the BP of...15%?).
BUT that there was an underbidder that forced them to. I would love to know where
today's resell level is (underbidder to the underbidder)?