New ebay Bucks promo...2X, 3X, 4X...

...anyone else get this (just signed on for the first time today and saw it). 2X on any purchase, 3X on $50 or more, 4X on $100 or more.
Anyone else get this? Don't see it mentioned here yet.
Anyone else get this? Don't see it mentioned here yet.
I'll come up with something.
Picked up a couple of these the last go around. Note that they arrive in flips, not sealed in mint plastic.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I got the $5 max sellers fee. Wish I had more to sell.
If you meant $50, that's what I received too. The only problem with that is that you have to sell something, or a group of things for at least $845 to save .70.
If it was 50% off fees that's another story, but a max fee of $50? I dont think that works for most people to be bothered with.