Don't you realize that you are actually turning more people away from your auctions than you are getting them to look at them? Once they click on the link and can tell it is jus you selling the cards they just turn it off right away. Why dont you just say look at my auctions, people will. I look at posts like that and actually see what they got and a bunch of others do too
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
hey, thanks for the info, but what i got going on works for me. Besides, im not relying on anyone from this board to bid on my auctions, im just lettin them know in case its something they might be interested in, and now that i think about it, people from this board have bid on several of my auctions,
Oh gosh... here he goes again. I remember you telling me you worked for Shop at Home... and it shows. Are all former and current Shop at Home employees con artists? You rank right up there with Ken Goldin.
Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
You have been doing it before. You are misleading people. That's not an particular auction like, that EVERYTHING you are selling. That is your user list, not an auction. But by you telling me you use to work for Shop at Home, I guess that's what you learned from their orientation.
Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
who is this Cour guy ?...ahhh...i remember ...he's the one that wanted to call people names and stuff....have you even traded here ?...does anybody ANYBODY even like you ????
It's not for me to be liked. Everyone likes Courvoisier . You better read my signature. Also, I prefer vintage such as '60's - 70's and I usually hang out in the Sports memorabilia forum where most everyone have some sense unlike most in this forum. I know see the con artists. Next thing you know, BigE will be posting those MGS 10 = PSA 10 descriptions on his auctions. Yes, another Shop at Home tactic. It's in his blood.
Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
dude...if you dont like it...then why look ?...was ya hopin it was something you could make fun of ?...turns out it wasnt so you said something else......people like you are what gives this place a bad name......diarherra of the mouth you have....cuz it keeps goin & goin & goin & .......
cp, quit being a rookie. Sucking up gets you nowhere. And for you cardnyou, maybe I should post titles like BigE and link them to porn sites. Wouldn't that be nice. Misleading yes, but basically the same thing BigE is doing.
Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
but porn ?....wouldn't mind seein that....THAT AINT THE POINT......thing i'm wondering is why you always bashin BigE ?.....dont make far as most NOT havin sense on here...your right.....we a bunch of low-lifes...trailor park least i am ......everyone likes you ??....WHUT ?????.....everyone also likes gettin rid of herpes too
BigE is always conning people to look at his auctions. We've gone through this before. He will do anything to get people to look. I bet he probably pass off those MGS and WCG 10 as PSA 10's on Ebay to try to mislead people.
Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
I'm not starting sh*t. Just making point. you are the one making elementary childish comments. Just like a child. I guess Shop at Home taught you well.
Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
Are you obsessed with Shop at Home or something? From your messages you give me thsi image of you sittng in front of a TV watching Ken Goldin and just thinking your "gay childish" thoughts. No one likes you, leave.
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
South Of The Border Cards
R.I.P Josher416
Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
South Of The Border Cards
R.I.P Josher416
Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.