American Pickers
Posts: 663 ✭✭
Was watching last weeks episode of American Pickers when I happened to catch this image as they were scanning through the hoard...
It never leaves you...
when watching that show, I'm constantly thinking of the amount of cards that they must uncover. And find myself scanning the background for those boxes full of cards. They're constantly finding all fields of collectibles from every era. Nice pickup.
There was a "toy collector" show where he'd go uncover vintage star wars etc but only give pennies on the dollar vs American Pickers. Except he gets called out and burned on social media for ripping off some old lady, literally.
Ive never seen them reveal any card finds on the show although they must find some vintage. Because they're always in old candy stores, general stores etc. Yes on comic books, sports memorabilia etc finds.
any music seen on the likes of fallon, letterman or pretty much any of those shows isn't one performance, rather a splice of 2 different performances. the magic of editing.
a bunch of folks still actually believe snl is brought to them live each saturday night. it's actually taped/recorded over the course of the week prior and simply taped in front of a live audience (for the most part).
the price is right halloween edition was actually taped on the 2nd.
i wont even divulge the secrets behind pawn stars.
still love all those shows though!
santa claus is still real though, right?
a bunch of folks still actually believe snl is brought to them live each saturday night. it's actually taped/recorded over the course of the week prior and simply taped in front of a live audience (for the most part).
Taped over the course of the week prior?!? Well, maybe some of the fake commercials and stuff, but they don't even start writing the live skits until Tuesday. Plus, they have sets to build, costumes, rehearsals, etc. Last I heard, they tape the rehearsal at 8pm Saturday, and occasionally some of it is used for the live broadcast, at 11:30. Remember Ashlee Simpson?
any music seen on the likes of letterman or isn't one performance, rather a splice of 2 different performances. the magic of editing.
a bunch of folks still actually believe snl is brought to them live each saturday night. it's actually taped/recorded over the course of the week prior and simply taped in front of a live audience (for the most part).
What makes you say this?
I have been to Letterman twice and SNL once. Letterman was taped at 3 in the afternoon. Unless they taped in front of no one at noon, it was a one shot both times I went. You end up waiting outside for up to an hour and then you wait inside the theatre lobby for another 45 minutes. You can hear what goes on inside and it is basically sound checks and crew running around. There was a musical guest one of the two times (no one major) and they came out, did their song and packed up.
With SNL, aside from the one or two videotaped bits (fake commercials and shorts), they do a live rehearsal at nine before a live audience. They leave and the 11:30 live show audience comes gets brought upstairs. We had seats on the floor for the Alec Baldwin Valentine's day show a few years ago. We rode up the elevator with Dan Akroyd (he introduced himself, I thought I had seen him when we were waiting in the line in the lobby) as he was part of the cold opening. While we were waiting in the hallway underneath the grandstands, cast and crew were scrambling around. We also saw Cameron Diaz as she was going to guest in a Cougar Club sketch. Except, perhaps, for a 7 second delay, it was live. I was like Zelig during the monolog and the introduction of the Jonas Brothers as I would pop my head into camera view. It was a great experience.
Obviously, Mountain and Pacific get the taped show and I know that at least once they have substituted the rehearsal version of a skit for the 11:30 version (I'm thinking way back when Paul Schaffer said the "f" word) and they edited out Sinnaed O'Conner ripping up the photo of the Pope.
Pickers is not a "sham". One of the misconceptions viewers have is that many/most picks are set up (as in scheduled) by the camera crew to see if the owners have anything worth filming for tv. But all the items and negotiating are real! And of course their is editing, everything is edited these days. Take it with a grain of salt.
mere facts, I guess.
you guys pretty much answered most of your questions, but since ya'll were mainly claiming snl...
1. guests are known months in advance to correspond w/ plugs for movie premieres, album drops, current events: olympics, superbowl winners, etc.
2. most skits are written well in advance, not tues morning.
3. tues is pitch day. see what sticks and what the guest is comfy with. they also work in recent events or media snafus to make fun of.
4. there are even back up guests/hosts in place. usually they get the walk on cameo in skits. but they are prepared w/ plan b. should something happen to "a" guest.
5. as ya stated, spoofs commercials, cartoons on snl are done prior. well in advance. smigel did not draw live.
6. there is a precise 32 minute tape delay for east coast feed. it's not shot and broadcast live as I stated. reread my original post.
7. for east coast feeds, there is not enough time to edit. hence ashlee simpson/sinead debacles were aired. again, not live.
8. west coast is edited
9. per bands, yes there is a closed sound check. it takes hours to set up and feed the instruments to the lighting/sound boards. however, they film/tape this as well for sound purposes. it gives the camera man, grips, media director an idea of how to artistically capture and light the performance.
10. there's too much that could go wrong. audience members sneezes, sound snafus, wardrobe and equip malfu that 95% of the time, some part of the sound check is sampled over for the "live" performance. again it takes hours for equip set up. roll in for bands equip is 8am sat morning.
11. but as for letterman, it was shot on only 2 days of the week. tues and thurs.
again, it's a production and tons more goes on behind the scenes than what a studio audience member has experienced. eyes and ears do deceive.
Also, the guys who play Mike Wolf/Frank Fritz, are using the real names of other pickers and the female assistant "Danielle" was also hired to play a role.
Without naming names, a friend of mine is a huge collector of a specific iconic car. AMC or History Channel, or the company that owned A.P. at the time, called his friend, a fellow collector, and asked to rent one of his cars to "sell" on the show. He had to sign all the legal papers not to mention what they were doing.
Also, those two pickers are using the names of other collectors and the female assistant "Danielle" was also hired to play a role.
Ding ding ding... we have a winner! !!! This is 100 percent FACT. all I can say about that. Did you see the Gettysburg AP episode? Enough said.
1994 Pro Line Live
"what makes you say this?"
mere facts, I guess.
you guys pretty much answered most of your questions, but since ya'll were mainly claiming snl...
6. there is a precise 32 minute tape delay for east coast feed. it's not shot and broadcast live as I stated. reread my original post.
9. per bands, yes there is a closed sound check. it takes hours to set up and feed the instruments to the lighting/sound boards. however, they film/tape this as well for sound purposes. it gives the camera man, grips, media director an idea of how to artistically capture and light the performance.
10. there's too much that could go wrong. audience members sneezes, sound snafus, wardrobe and equip malfu that 95% of the time, some part of the sound check is sampled over for the "live" performance. again it takes hours for equip set up. roll in for bands equip is 8am sat morning.
11. but as for letterman, it was shot on only 2 days of the week. tues and thurs.
again, it's a production and tons more goes on behind the scenes than what a studio audience member has experienced. eyes and ears do deceive.
Sorry to derail this thread.
From whom are you getting this information?
Have you attended SNL or Letterman?
At SNL, there was no "Amazing Burt Wonderstone" thing going on where we were all knocked out and our watches and phones were reset a half hour early. It was definitively 11:30 when the cold opening sketch began. The band and the musical guest have their own separate stages. When the Jonas Brothers were introduced, the camera swept from the center stage over to the music stage and they played, not well btw (I know this as I was in the camera shot going from Baldwin to the stage). After the show, we went to the after party (we were guests of one of the writers). Unfortunately, the main cast did their own after party, which they do every few weeks. However, Akroyd, the Jonas Brothers and many of the 30 Rock cast were there. Cameron Diaz was there for a little bit but left for the cast party.
Letterman taped 4 days a week with the Thursday taping the Thu/Fri shows. For the musical guest, it took them about three minutes to wheel out their set-up and a couple more to do a final sound check. They played once and wheeled their stuff back off the stage. I know this not only from going to the show, but also knowing someone who worked on the show.
Yes, these shows are complicated, however, they do it over and over again in the same location. It is basically the same as a Broadway Show. Think of how complicated the Lion King or Spiderman: Turn Off the Darkness are/were. Yet they do a live show six days a week, twice on Saturday. Although, Spiderman often had snafus. When we went, there was a 10 minute delay in the middle of the show to untangle Spiderman as he hung over the 10th row.
Also, mlbfan had the SNL process pretty correct according to the SNL books I have read and talking to the writer I had met.
Unless, of course, we're living in the Matrix. HELP ME NEO!
Nice catch.
I think the public watches these shows for entertainment value and aren't too concerned about how they are done. If you are into "Gold Rush" then this season's episode
one was IMO a good example of reality meeting staff writers. I have no doubt the flair up between Parker and Tony was scripted. For me it was still entertaining.
I enjoyed the episode of Pickers where they came across a small horde of ThunderJet cars and accessories. Now I'd be in total collectors heaven if I ever came across something like that.
The TV show unfortunately is as close as I'll ever get to that.
w/o divulging too much personal info, i lived in the city for several years and attended several shows including letterman, snl, carson daly (i, know), today show and several others for reasons other than being a studio audience member.
yes, you are correct. before the heart attack letterman did tape 4 days. afterwards, he did 2 tapings on tues and thurs to compensate.
despite that it's actually impossible to broadcast it live due to sets arrangements, wardrobe, make up (think of some of the characters make up: gumby, coneheads, etc) or anything else i say, your heart is determined that it's "live" so wont rain on your parade any longer.
as for pawn stars, my wife worked on episode 334-4 "pawn fiction" as well. got to witness that entire production and its a joke. very similar to what skryezna described...the item did not belong to the guy "who brought it in". no one waited while they phoned a friend. in this instance it was mark (the beard of knowledge). he was standing stage left and was cued in seconds after the item was "brought" in. also, corey/ric are not near as knowledgeable as they are projected. the history facts are fed to them by the line producer and took several and i mean several takes.
prime example. this isn't a spoof/commercial. this is done during the day obviously w/ peyton being the host. they didn't make the sun come back up, rush over to the upper 90 soccer fields and tape this live, then run back to the studio to finish the show:
What do you mean that isn't a spoof/commercial? It says "spoof" right in the title of the video.
And I don't think anyone thinks that was live.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
TV Show Taping Schedule:
"SNL has two performances every Saturday night from September through May. The SNL dress rehearsal begins at 8:00pm with an arrival time at the studio of 6:30pm. The SNL live show begins at 11:30pm with an arrival time at the studio at 10:00pm. Each show has a different studio audience. The rehearsal is recorded to tape and is used for backup in case the live show cannot air. Many skits in the rehearsal do not make it into the live SNL show. Many fans prefer to see the dress rehearsal because its more relaxed and enjoyable and some of the best skits have been cut-out in the live show because they are too risque for NBC execs, who have the final say over what makes it in and what does not."
prime example. this isn't a spoof/commercial. this is done during the day obviously w/ peyton being the host. they didn't make the sun come back up, rush over to the upper 90 soccer fields and tape this live, then run back to the studio to finish the show:
What do you mean that isn't a spoof/commercial? It says "spoof" right in the title of the video.
And I don't think anyone thinks that was live.
meaning, spoof/commericals that dont feature the host vs ones like colon blow which were taped prior to the week of.
but thank you. exactly what I was trying to convey. absolutely, no way it was done live.
Did anyone say what year this case was, is it somewhere in the 75-77 range?? Based on the $0.15 per pack price that is what I am thinking.
That would be incredible if it was a 76 case full of Payton RCs.
do not see where the confusion is coming guys are pretty much nailing your own facts.
That's quite different from your earlier post...
"a bunch of folks still actually believe snl is bought to them live each saturday night. it's actually taped/recorded over the course of the week prior and simply taped in front of a live audience (for the most part)."
"Saturday Night Live" rookie Jenny Slate let slip the mother of all swear words in a skit in the season debut - featuring Megan Fox and U2 - fueling speculation Slate's first show may be her last.
Because the slipup occurred about 12:40 a.m., well after prime time, "SNL" is not expected to face fines from the Federal Communications Commission.
again: reread where i said east coast feed isn't edited due to time constraints. **OR** see the peyton post.
******************even YOU knew that wasn't live, right********************
but now are arguing that the whole thing is live again?
which is it?
what is exactly your argument here? you are bouncing back and forth.
You might want to watch this video...
Stand-by tickets are distributed at 7am on the 48th st. side of 30 Rockefeller Plaza on the mornings of the show. You may choose a stand-by ticket for either the 8pm dress rehearsal or the 11:30pm live broadcast. Aside from minimal, necessary breaks, all stand-by line members must remain in line at all times. Stand-by tickets are limited to one per person and are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Every member of the line is required to present a valid photo ID when the ticket is issued, as well as at the return time. Please note that all tickets are non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. NBC staff reserves the right to revoke or not issue any ticket to anyone in line if proper procedures are not followed. Please arrive no later than 7:15pm for the dress rehearsal or 10:45pm for the live show. A stand-by ticket does not guarantee admission and no one under the age of 16 will be admitted.
again. answer the question. quit copying and pasting.
I already stated that some parts of the show aren't live, or even close to live.
Peyton Manning skit - probably filmed at least a few days before Saturday. Maybe even the week prior. No one thinks that was live.
Debbie Downer skit - live. If there's a 7-second delay, it's still considered to be live.
Why should I quit copying and pasting? I'm backing up my arguments with proof. Where's your proof??? Here's some more...
Subject: Is it really live?
Yes, it is broadcast live (except for a few taped
segments such as the fake commercials). There were
also two occasions when it was broadcast on a delay
because of the reputations of the hosts. These were:
13 Dec 1975: Richard Pryor (7 second delay)
12 May 1990: Andrew Dice Clay (7 second delay)
no, it was 11:00. snl broadcasts at 11:34 after local news. I misquoted myself by saying 32 minute delay. actually 34 minutes. I apologize.
w/o divulging too much personal info, i lived in the city for several years and attended several shows including letterman, snl, carson daly (i, know), today show and several others for reasons other than being a studio audience member.
yes, you are correct. before the heart attack letterman did tape 4 days. afterwards, he did 2 tapings on tues and thurs to compensate.
despite that it's actually impossible to broadcast it live due to sets arrangements, wardrobe, make up (think of some of the characters make up: gumby, coneheads, etc) or anything else i say, your heart is determined that it's "live" so wont rain on your parade any longer.
You don't have to rain on my parade as you don't know what you are talking about with regard to SNL or Letterman. Rather, what you are saying goes against my personal experiences, knowledge obtained firsthand from people who work at the shows and researched literature about the shows. I am a very literal person, sort of like Drax the Destroyer (Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.).
The last time I was at Letterman was 5/7/12 for my wife's birthday. It was a Monday. I still have the emails from the woman who was a booker for the show. Letterman's heart surgery was in 2000.
The SNL set has 5 or 6 stages/sets in addition to the entrance stage and the musical guest stage. The Weekend Update set is done on the entrance stage. While the first music set is being done, they wheel the desk, chairs and backdrop down the middle aisle. They set it up in about three minutes. While sketches are done on one stage, they are setting up other sets on another stage. The more elaborate sets are set up on a stage and only used for one sketch. I have been in the studio twice, once for the show and another for a GECC Media Conference.
The show starts at 11:29:30 unless a sporting event runs long. Watch the 11/7/15 show to verify this. There was a period when the network gave the affiliates 35 minutes for the Saturday local news like they do during the week, but that stopped quite a few years ago. Again, unless there is some unknown portal on the 8th and 9th floors of 30 Rockefeller Center that distorts the time-space continuum, I can definitively say with 100% confidence that the 2/14/09 show started at 11:29:30 PM.
Again, SNL is a well oiled machine, much like a Broadway show. Many Broadway shows have multiple elaborate sets and multiple make-up and costumes changes more complex than SNL (Phantom of the Opera as just one example. SNL has the advantage of multiple stages, commercial breaks, musical guests and 1 to 2 videotaped sketches. Based upon your premise, live Broadway, not just SNL, would be impossible to be done live. For Gumby, all Eddie Murphy had to do was step into the foam outfit and then they smeared his face with green and yellow make-up. For the Coneheads, they were basically putting on skull caps and the clothes. A bulk of the make-up is wearing skull caps and wigs. A famous "screw-up" was when Billy Crystal had on a skull cap as he was going to be in two sketches in a row and the wig was to look like his normal hair. Martin Short's character slaps Billy and the hair piece became crooked. At the end of the sketch, Short grabs Billy's head and straightens the hair piece.
I've said enough.
, as the audience is ushered in at 10:00. the audience isn't sitting there w/ there thumbs up their butts for an hour and half.
do not see where the confusion is coming guys are pretty much nailing your own facts.
Proving that you have never been to the show.
You get in your designated line in the lobby at 10 pm. For about 30 minutes, you stand in line with your thumb up your butt.
Then you are ushered upstairs. Speaking for those who sit in the floor seats, you then wait in the hallway (the same one they go through when they do monologues or sketches that follow the performers around - a la several Steve Martin openings) for another 20 to 30 minutes. They tell you to turn your electronics off and if you do anything stupid that you will be taken out of the studio and possibly arrested. Then they bring you into the studio. They have a stand-up comic come out to do some material. Mostly the band plays. When I went, Fred Armisen and Kristin Wiig performed rock songs with the band. Around 11:15, things get a little quiet and the last minute preparations are done to the stages of the first sketches.
And +1 to both Stingray's and Larkin's comments.
Without naming names, a friend of mine is a huge collector of a specific iconic car. AMC or History Channel, or the company that owned A.P. at the time, called his friend, a fellow collector, and asked to rent one of his cars to "sell" on the show. He had to sign all the legal papers not to mention what they were doing.
Also, those two pickers are using the names of other collectors and the female assistant "Danielle" was also hired to play a role.
Ding ding ding... we have a winner! !!! This is 100 percent FACT. all I can say about that. Did you see the Gettysburg AP episode? Enough said.
I am really confused now. So Mike Wolf, Frank Fritz and Danielle are not who they say they are? What is the point of that?
I've never seen them pay a big number for a car, so that story surprises me.
in the end, the show is not live. yes, there are segments that are, but a majority is not.
i'm done w/ this convo and will let georgie and mlb fan argue it out as even ya'll "facts" and recounts don't match up.
"Nominate this for most worthless thread ever in the Sports Card and Memorabilia Forum."
Well that gets me off the hook... :-)
"Molon Labe"
...anything in that football case ..btw....moving on...hit it!!
you guys are resourceful, so google emily spivey. she was one of the writers during that time frame. my girlfriend/future wife last name was cobb at the time and was her assistant upon graduating from scad. savannah college of art & design. but i saw plenty of shows, dress rehearsals & plenty of drinks upstairs in the rainbow room prior.
I'm really surprised that a TV-insider like yourself didn't even know until today that much of the show is live.
Wow. All this fuss over a case of tomato juice?? Sheesh
That was fantastic! That laugh made my evening!