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what's the verdict on the new layout?

overall i think the change to the board layout is pretty good

i must admit i'm having a little difficulty with PMs, wondering if i'm missing something but is the only way to reply to a message is to type the board member name in the field and hit the "send" button?

that wasn't necessarily intuitive for me but it seemed to work

wondering what everyone else thinks about the changes and if there's anything we should be aware of?



  • bouncebounce Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭
    one more thing on PMs

    i started getting the emails when i receive PMs again - anyone know how to turn that off?
  • begsu1013begsu1013 Posts: 1,943 ✭✭

    not a fan. naturally will get used to it, but there's a reason cars are still on "wheels".

    simple is good.

  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    When they first came back up yesterday, I was able to go into the PMs and click the binoculars(?) all the way to the right of the name and send a PM. Late last night that was not available and now the only way I can do it is as you stated.

    Right now I'm not liking the changes.



    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭
    Also only clicking on the binoculars to reply to a PM. Haven't found an easier way yet.

    Labeled all the messages from CU to my spam folder until this is completed.
  • mikelowell25mikelowell25 Posts: 1,252 ✭✭✭

    Sorry, not a fan. While it's not necessarily horrible it's not great either.

    I'm old school and have always lived by the motto "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

    People get used to a format when they've been seeing it for many years, are comfortable with it--why upset the apple cart now?!?!

    Hate the colors (and that's even after I changed it from the default settings)--reminds me of a hospital. Perhaps they should rename it "ICU" instead of "CU".

  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭

    Dont like it. Mainly for the same reason I hate it when ebay changes their page layouts. If it works, leave it alone. Wait until its broke before fixing it

  • TomiTomi Posts: 643 ✭✭✭

    Originally posted by: mikelowell25 Sorry, not a fan. While it's not necessarily horrible it's not great either. I'm old school and have always lived by the motto "if it ain't broke don't fix it". People get used to a format when they've been seeing it for many years, are comfortable with it--why upset the apple cart now?!?! Hate the colors (and that's even after I changed it from the default settings)--reminds me of a hospital. Perhaps they should rename it "ICU" instead of "CU".


  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not a fan, either. Can't seem to send PMs or edit threads without encountering error messages. I can see by the decline in the number of PMs I've gotten over the past couple of days that others are experiencing difficulty, too.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's new, and it's different.


    Captain Obvious
  • orioles93orioles93 Posts: 3,482 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like the new look. It will just take some time to get used to where things are. I really like having the categories on the left side to click on.
    What I Collect:

    PSA HOF Baseball Postwar Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 80.51% Complete)

    PSA Pro Football HOF Rookie Players Set Registry- (Currently 19.80% Complete)

    PSA Basketball HOF Players Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 6.02% Complete)
  • bouncebounce Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭
    i'll have to try the binoculars, as i said it wasn't intuitive and it never occurred to me to try that

    anyone notice the time on the posts? looks like it's 5:52AM as i'm posting this from Texas where it's actually 11:52PM

    i suppose that's the London time zone? anyone else having this issue as well?
  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭
    In time I think everything will be back to normal.

    The best part of this is the fact I can change my avatar anytime I please, no more waiitng for the 15th to come around. Hope that doesn't change.
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I noticed that PM memory has now been raised to 125,000, too.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Originally posted by: bounce i'll have to try the binoculars, as i said it wasn't intuitive and it never occurred to me to try that anyone notice the time on the posts? looks like it's 5:52AM as i'm posting this from Texas where it's actually 11:52PM i suppose that's the London time zone? anyone else having this issue as well?

    Here's how you change the time:

    1. Click the profile button at the top-right of the screen.

    2. Change the time zone in your profile to any other time zone and save.

    3. Change the time zone in your profile to the correct time and save.

    4. This should fix the problem.


  • Are the moderators or designers reading this? I like the forums where they post the number of views of that thread. Whether they post or not. In addition to the number of posts within that thread.
  • Originally posted by: orioles93 I like the new look. It will just take some time to get used to where things are. I really like having the categories on the left side to click on.

    So you would rather lose 20% of your screen than have a tiny drop down box?

    All your money won't another minute buy.
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭

    Originally posted by: DrFong
    Originally posted by: orioles93 I like the new look. It will just take some time to get used to where things are. I really like having the categories on the left side to click on.
    So you would rather lose 20% of your screen than have a tiny drop down box?

    You can hide the categories on the right and expand the screen.

  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    Originally posted by: Stingray
    Originally posted by: DrFong
    Originally posted by: orioles93 I like the new look. It will just take some time to get used to where things are. I really like having the categories on the left side to click on.
    So you would rather lose 20% of your screen than have a tiny drop down box?
    You can hid the categories on the right and expand the screen.

    Didn't even see that option to hide the categories. I just did that and now I can retrieve a thread just like I used to before the change. THANKS!



    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • belzbelz Posts: 1,217 ✭✭✭
    Ehhh...not a fan
    "Wots Uh The Deal" by Pink Floyd
  • graygatorgraygator Posts: 488 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seen lots of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" responses to this in various threads, but wasn't the old software broke? How many system timeouts and double posts per day were there? How many threads that didn't turn the page when new posts were made? Has anybody had a double post with the new software yet? I don't know if they had to do a complete redesign to fix those problems--and I hope they did fix them--but there was probably other behind the scenes stuff that had to be dealt with too. There are certainly things that don't seem great about the new layout so far, but I think you have to give a few weeks to work out the kinks and for the users to get used to it before making any real judgments.
  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Originally posted by: graygator Seen lots of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" responses to this in various threads, but wasn't the old software broke? How many system timeouts and double posts per day were there? How many threads that didn't turn the page when new posts were made? Has anybody had a double post with the new software yet? I don't know if they had to do a complete redesign to fix those problems--and I hope they did fix them--but there was probably other behind the scenes stuff that had to be dealt with too. There are certainly things that don't seem great about the new layout so far, but I think you have to give a few weeks to work out the kinks and for the users to get used to it before making any real judgments.

    +1, I haven't had to manually adjust a URL to get to the correct page yet on the long threads. As soon as I relearn how to search, it will all be good.

  • Everyone hated the holo-labels, at first, too. People just don't like change. In 2 months, we'll all be happy the platform is modernized and more stable.

  • It'll all be fine as long as the previous software issues have been corrected. Are suggestions being taken? There are a couple things Id like to see or be added.

  • StamkosFanStamkosFan Posts: 255 ✭✭✭

    I'm not a fan either. Everything looks cluttered. I don't like change but I guess I'll adjust eventually. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

  • TheThrill22TheThrill22 Posts: 976 ✭✭✭
  • alifaxwa2alifaxwa2 Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭
    I wanted them to upgrade, now that they have, I don't see anything upgraded. Just changed.
    Looking to have some custom cuts or plain custom cards built? PM me.


    Check out my Facebook page
  • alifaxwa2alifaxwa2 Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: alifaxwa2

    I wanted them to upgrade, now that they have, I don't see anything upgraded. Just changed.

    Ok, I did find one upgrade...Your latest posts.
    Looking to have some custom cuts or plain custom cards built? PM me.


    Check out my Facebook page
  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,755 ✭✭✭✭
    Change is not always better

    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,755 ✭✭✭✭
    Can anything be done about the light blue font on the light background. Its very difficult to look at sometimes.


    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • aconteaconte Posts: 2,053 ✭✭✭
    Not a fan!

  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    It's grown on me. I Especially like the 'Report this to a Moderator" as we'll have more productive conversations about sports cards and memorabilia instead of the mud that occasionally gets slung around. All depends, of course, if violations are enforced.

    Hopefully IP addresses are tracked with this system to keep alts out. Losing your privilege to participate on these boards for breaking the rules should mean you don't get another shot with an alt.

    What has NOT grown on me is that darn updated eBay app! Ughh.
  • begsu1013begsu1013 Posts: 1,943 ✭✭

    thick skin is needed in todays world.
  • VitoCo1972VitoCo1972 Posts: 6,132 ✭✭✭
    I don't hate it but I'm still wondering what the reason for change was. Maybe they changed hosting companies and needed a new skin? Who knows.
  • baseballfanbaseballfan Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭
    not crazy about the new set up. I guess ill get used to it but we'll see

    I didn't think anything was wrong with the old format.

    collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.

    looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started

  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: begsu1013

    thick skin is needed in todays world.

    Agree, but this is an online forum to share our love for sports cards and memorabilia. Nobody should be in a position to have thick skin here as a result of personal insults getting slung around.
  • Thick skin is for cichlids and Cub fans.
  • begsu1013begsu1013 Posts: 1,943 ✭✭
    correct, but to have a tattle tale feature and be happy about it?

    and of course there's alt. it's the internet. i know of several, as do the rest of us.

    but people have been thrown off for some pretty petty things. but it's their site, their right!

    as for personal insults, just don't take them personally. again, the internet.

    i know of one tattle tale on here as i was told exactly who it was...

    men should be able to handle an insult. children tattle tale.

    besides. if ya cant laugh at yourself, then you are missing some pretty funny stuff!

    go cubbies!!!
  • begsu1013begsu1013 Posts: 1,943 ✭✭
    interesting thoughts....

    was anyone asked to beta test this prior to launching? I was asked about a year or so ago to participate in upgrade on the psacard.com site when they were adding links to the cards that upgraded/filled in your sets. they did an absolutely tremendous job at listening and fixing things almost instantaneously. there were still bugs upon launching and no amount of code could catch everything or omit certain things on every occasion, but it was night and day to the original concept and a complete step forward in my opinion.

    just wondering if anyone was asked to beta test this one?

    and I don't like how the text all runs together. even if ya purposely space it out. makes it extremely hard to read

    here's that thread
  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The times they are a changing....

    Some things are fixed (image/http/https insert) and new ones are broken.

    Use the 'hr' button to space things out for now. Quote this to see the how if you have any questions.
  • The new layout is great!
  • vintagefunvintagefun Posts: 1,974 ✭✭✭
    I would have expected better for phones and tablets. I completed their questionnaire and I'm almost an exclusive phone user when visiting, and figured many use phones or tablets. My phone experience seems worse. On the laptop, maybe a little better. Overall, not a fan.
    52-90 All Sports, Mostly Topps, Mostly HOF, and some assorted wax.
  • Originally posted by: MULLINS5
    ............. I Especially like the 'Report this to a Moderator"..........

    We knew you would.

    All your money won't another minute buy.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll try to keep an open mind.
  • craig44craig44 Posts: 11,521 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm a creature of habit and I hate change. Hey kid, get off my lawn

    George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.

  • eyeboneeyebone Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭
    don't mind it. eyebone
    "I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
  • seebelowseebelow Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭
    Whats the over/under on how long the "report to moderator" button lasts? Seems too easy to use instantaneously for some who can't help themselves. Before rethinking.

    Where the button itself may be abused and the moderators inbox is full with more false alarms than legitimate complaints. A one click EZ button vs the time to write out a paragraph and then send it.

    Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all. image
  • bouncebounce Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: seebelow
    Whats the over/under on how long the "report to moderator" button lasts? Seems too easy to use instantaneously for some who can't help themselves. Before rethinking.

    Where the button itself may be abused and the moderators inbox is full with more false alarms than legitimate complaints. A one click EZ button vs the time to write out a paragraph and then send it.

    Consider yourself reported ??

    Starting the clock...
  • georgebailey2georgebailey2 Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭
    Um...how do you get paragraphs versus one long blob?
  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: georgebailey2
    Um...how do you get paragraphs versus one long blob?


  • It seems I can make paragraphs with a reply but when i edit it, then its all jammed together.
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