Purpose of the all time finest sets?
The current finest set is a set that currently exist.
The all time finest is a set that use to exist but does not exist anymore? What is the use of listing the all time finest sets? If the set
does not exist than it's not a set.
The all time finest is a set that use to exist but does not exist anymore? What is the use of listing the all time finest sets? If the set
does not exist than it's not a set.
With these sets, it's important to see who historically had the best set of all-time. Since the set registry is a relatively new phenomenon, the all-time finest set list is often the same as the current finest set list. In many cases where the all-time best set no longer exists, it belonged to David Hall. He sold off most of his sets a few years back.
While it may be neat to know someone at some time had a set that was this great. It is irrelevant.
The all-time finest benchmark should be the the cumulative of the the highest grade of each item in the set.
That way the finest possible set stays current.
In its current format, the All-Time finest simply seems to be a way for David Hall to stroke his ego in an ongoing manner.
Loves me some shiny!
There is no regard to the set then being sold or broken up - it was just the finest set assmbled.
It can also be used as a pedigree collection - like the "Harris" T206 collection, and labeled as such on the PSA holders.
The problem is not in the "finest" but the "current finest" section of the PSA registry. The current finest sets should not be listed in the all-time finest until they are completed.
I agree, except PSA has set the standard at 90% and above, so only those should be listed under the ALL-TIME FINEST.
That is why the weights make such a difference on the people who assemble partial high-grade sets without any of the tough cards.