Home Buy, Sell & Trade - Stamps


I have $463 FV US mint postage stamps for sale at 65% of face.
Shipping is additional unless you buy the whole lot.

Here is the count breakdown

1c 425 4.25

2c 437 8.79

3c 2,413 72.39

4c 1,953 78.12

5c 1,861 93.05

6c 1,195 71.60

7c 81 5.67

8c 1,568 125.44

9c 44 3.96


Total $463.27 FV

Also have a bag of about 1000 rejects 1c - 60c that may be usable (ie no gum, torn, creased, missing corners, etc).
I am guessing about $75 FV. Offer if interested ?

Also found a lot of bulk, presort, non-profit. Not sure these can be used without permit.
Also found thousands of mint Canadian and united nations..

Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
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