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Anyone know of a link to the History of SilverTowne Bars?

GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,602 ✭✭✭✭✭
I was wanting to find a link that shows the different style and minting date of the various 1oz SilverTowne Silver Bars.

I would like to see how many different styles they have made using the SilverTowne name or logo over the years.

Not interested in the various art bars,,,,, just ones with the SilverTowne name or logo as the primary obverse design.

I Googled it but didn't find anything. image

GrandAm image
GrandAm :)


  • piecesofmepiecesofme Posts: 6,669 ✭✭✭
    silverartcollector.com is by far the go-to website for anything art bar/round related.
    Here is a direct link to the S-towne bars that have been currently been submitted to the site.

    The Archie Kidd 5th & 6th edition reference books are also a very valuable resource for looking up just about any art bar ever made. There is a link on SAC that will take you to the contacts of the person selling them, and you can buy them cheaper from him than from on eBay or Amazon.

    I guess I should disclose that I am proud to have been brought into the Admin. family on SAC since May '15, I just do editing and adding of new items.

    Feel free to create an account and share your love of silver art bars/rounds here.
    To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.
  • GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,602 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks POM,,,,

    Just what I was looking for,,,,,
    GrandAm :)
  • piecesofmepiecesofme Posts: 6,669 ✭✭✭
    You're welcome. That is by no means every S-towne bar ever made, just the ones that have been submitted to the site.

    For a better idea of all of them, the Kidd books take them up to about 2008 or so. One of the reasons SAC was created was to help provide info. on bars (by any Mint) made since then, among other reasons.
    To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.
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