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WOW!! Am I missing something not collecting Mercury dimes? What is going on at the Mercury Registry Page? You guys are having way too much fun! Is it fishing season?

Keep having fun........




  • ......And Ford Guy......good job on your new entries.......that is alot of work!
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
      You must be Talking about All of the Red on the Merc Page. The Set Got Weighted and BJ forgot to Enter Any Sets in the Basic Catagory so that is why it Looks like a Sea of Red over there.
        Mine were Already Done but Yes Initially it took Over 4 Hours to get everything Done. Then of course I had to Re-do quite a Few of the Pictures as I Did Not like the First Batch.
          Thanks for the Comments as We in the Merc Registry Appreciate Them.image Hope the Guys/Gals Do Not mind Me Speaking for the Whole Great Bunch of Participants.image
            Take Care: Ken (ALIAS: FORD GUY)
          1. Well said, Ken. Thanks for being our spokesperson. image
            currently owned by 5 Labradors

            Blaze - Yellow male b 3/17/93
            Onyx - Black male b 3/7/99
            Duchess - Yellow female mix b 3/12/02 rescued 9/18/02
            Rifle - Yellow male mix b 12/1/02 rescued 8/8/03
            Diamond - Black female b 5/3/05 adopted 8/3/05

            First Cam-slam - 9/21/04

            My eBay
          2. PTVETTERPTVETTER Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭✭✭
            I was fishing yesterday with vam 44 got more than 6 fish, that's more than new mercury dimes 0. I had a good time and I'm a chevy fan. I will be watching both races today and will not forget the reason for the holiday weekend. It's not shopping it to remember servicemen and women! It was first called decoration day where the graves were fixed up by friend and relatives.

            Patr Vetter
            SFC USA
            Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211

          3. FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
              Nice Point !! Most People have Forgot What Memorial Day Really is For.image
                Younger Folks Think its Just a Day Away from work to go Camping at the Beginning of Summer.image

                  Who was a Buck Sargent in the Late 60's Untill Discharge on 4-14-1971. Truly Miss Some of the Fallen Servicemen of That Era.image
                1. DeepCoinDeepCoin Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭

                  You are definitely missing something by not collecting Mercs! This is the friendliest group of collectors I have ever met. We all root for each other and actively support fellow collectors in their search for coins.

                  Also, I like to thnik we have a great sense of humor - see fishing lure posts.

                  Jump in and join the fun... we can always use another registry set!
                  Retired United States Mint guy, now working on an Everyman Type Set.
                2. GQGQ Posts: 360
                  Good afternoon......Now I see what is going on at the Mercury Registry Site. I need two more coins to finish my early proof Jeffersons which should put me in the top dozen and I will admit I am getting alittle bored with early proof Jeffersons.....just alittle. I should finish the set by the end of June, put it on ice and will need something new to peek my curiosity. Maybe something in Silver. I have been spending alot of time on the Mercury Registry Site....Oh! Oh! Is that a hook in my mouth? All joking aside is a PCGS MS65 a nice coin? I know that is a hard question to answer because obviously a MS66 plus is a better coin, but I need a bench mark.

                  Thanks guys and keep having fun.......
                  NICKEL TRIUMPH...
                3. FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
                    Please Decide for Yourself. The 36PO and 36PR are Pictures of the Obverse and Reverse of a Coin and the36PPO and 36PPR are the same of another Coin. One is a 65 and One is a 66 both FB Coins. No Peeking but One is in My Set and the Other is Not. Happy Guessing.image
                  1. GQGQ Posts: 360
                    Great scans......I am going to guess that the 36 PO is the MS66. The other coin seems to have a few nicks although the neck line in the 36 PO looks weak. Would it be safe to say that a MS65 should be fairly "nick" free or does that jump into the MS66 range?
                    NICKEL TRIUMPH...
                  2. FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
                    Wrong Guess !!!!
                      The 36PO is the 65 Coin. It Replaced the 66 Coin which is the 36PPO. I Down Graded the Set Because the 65 IMO is a Better Looking and Just Plain Better Coin.
                        So The Answer to Your Question is Yes 65 Mercs can be Very Nice Coins. Actually in the Set a Couple of 64's Will Knock Your Socks Off.
                          Must remember though this is Just My Very Humble Opinion.image
                        1. PTVETTERPTVETTER Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭✭✭
                          Mercury Dime collectors are great, elongated dimes make great spinner blades, don't theyimage
                          Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211

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