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NGC....PCGS Grading Thoughts & Questions.

FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
NGC has the Star Designation on some Coins to Destinguish a Superior Looking Coin. PCGS has Nothing. I know this Pertains to Modern Coins only,the Star Designation in which NGC gives but Does Not Raise the Coin Grade.
    What I am wondering is what is Done within the Classic Series Coins when a Particular High End Coin for the Grade comes across a Graders Area.
      Does either Service Give the Coin a Little Nudge Up to the Next Grade?

      It seems to Me that NGC does not because of the Very Consistent Grading You See from them. No Nudges for High End Coins within Thier Grading Structure.

      Is it Possible that PCGS does Give, or has given in the Past, this Little Nudge thus Throwing what Might Be a 64.5 coin into the 65 Catagory or Possibly even going the Other way with a Just Make 64 being Dropped to a 63 ? If this is Happening is this Why Many PCGS Coin Submitters are Thinking They (PCGS) have Been Very Inconsistant in the Last Year ? Maybe PCGS has Been Inconsistant for the Last Few years and Now They are trying to Get more Consistant buy Sticking to a Set Standard and Not Deiavating from it. Could this be True Also ?
        Any Thoughts About this Mystery I have Been trying to Figure Out ?
          Thanks For Your Time: Ken


          • The only thing I see consistantly with NGC coins is that they very seldom ever cross to PCGS. If you do cross them it is a 1 to 2 point grade drop. At least with the coins that I have tried. That includes a bit of Moderns, Double Eagles and Coppers. I have never had one upgrade, ever. I am only stating my experiance with crossing NGC to PCGS. I get about the same results with crackouts also.
            The last three crossovers went like this,
            1873 NGC MS61 = PCGS MS61 (As expected)
            1835 NGC MS63BN = PCGS AU58BN (Whoa?)
            1912 NGC MS63 = PCGS MS62 (thought this one was nice enough that it would make the cross easy)

            I have a number of pet peeves with the grading consistancy at pcgs as well but I guess I would rather have them lean towards to crtical than not enough.
            I haven't seen an NGC star slab yet so I can't comment if they really look any better. I do think PCGS uses the "eye appeal" to bump up a coin. Either that or some of the craters in this MS69 Im looking at just don't effect the grade? This Eagle looks like someone shot a few times with a BB gun!image


            MY EBAY AUCTIONS
          • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
            Ken, as you probably already know, you can go "bonkers" trying to figure out what the grading services do in determining each grade for each coin. In reality, it is just the grader's opinion at the moment based on his experience. Although politics may come into play on rare occasions, mostly it is the "15 second look" that decides. The real problem is we all want the value of our coins to be more than we paid for them. Therefore, we "wish" the grade up. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer about whether PCGS or NGC is better or grades better, etc. I'm a PCGS person mainly because I perceive that when I go to sell my coins, I'll get more money because my coins are in PCGS holders. I may be perceiving wrong, but that's how I feel. JMHO. Steve
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