Shipping Overseas

I shipped a box overseas the first of May. It was less than 10 lbs. and cost $181 thru the USPS/fedex. Now I have received a bill from FedEx fro $328. Has this ever happened to you? The PO said they did not know if the PO would deliver or if FedEx would at the time of shipping but mentioned nothing about additional charges. Has this ever happened to any of you and if it did what did you do?
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
if w/ fedex, how big was the box? you mighta got dinged w/ a "dimensional weight charge".
this is a charge on air packages for shipping something very light in a huge box. say, only 5lbs in a 24x24x24 box or something to that effect.
reasoning: plane space is valuable. and pricing is usually done per poundage, but they also factor in the area said package consumes.
ie. a normal 24x24x24 box should be at least say 12lbs at minimum, so that is the "dimensional weight".
so you were probably charged for the 12lb rate vs 5lb rate.
etched in stone?
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
and if usps does fwd mail to fedex planes, basically the usps lady dropped the ball and failed to warn you in regards to dimensional weight. so when it got to fedex and they did their check, they dim weighted ya and did a chargeback probably.
i learned the hard way, too. never forgot about it and took a sec to wrap my head around it, but i see why they do it...cant have a fedex 747 making a run of "feathers" based on weight.
a lesson that has stuck w/ me for the last 15 years.
welcome to the club, lemme get you your first beer!
i'd go back to the usps and see what they could do...maybe at least refund you the original amount paid due to failure to notify.