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Removing small green flecks on seated half dollar - PVC damage?

jclovescoinsjclovescoins Posts: 1,923 ✭✭✭✭✭
Removing small green flecks on seated half dollar - PVC damage?

What is the best way to remove these, if even possible? They appear as small green flecks on the coin and I am assuming it is PVC damage. But how can I tell?

Is there such thing as inactive PVC that would still appear as green flecks that PCGS will certify?



  • clarkbar04clarkbar04 Posts: 4,957 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Soak it in acetone, PVC will appear as small green flecks. Acetone will soften it up but you may need to use a q-tip to liberate it from the coin. Use the ones with the paper... stalks? as the plastic ones will melt.

    The flecks indicate the presence of PVC which doesn't necessarily mean damage. You won't know until the PVC is removed. They will also not grade coins with PVC so you need to remove it anyway.
    MS66 taste on an MS63 budget.
  • LindeDadLindeDad Posts: 18,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First step acetone rinse. Search the forum for safety measures first.

    Second no PCGS does not certify, to my understanding, if there is any damage (etching) to the metal.


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