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Auction house question

SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭
I'm contemplating bidding on something in an upcoming StacksBowers auction.

One thing I've noticed over time is that some auction houses you can put a high bid in, and they'll only charge you what the winning bid is (plus commission etc.). Other auction houses I've found that my HIGH bid is the winning bid, even when I KNOW that there's no one else I'm bidding against at a certain point. Obviously I feel much more comfortable placing a bid with the first sort of auction house, and have learned to only do business with the other sort of auction house if I'm online or on a phone. Does anyone know what sort of an auction house StacksBowers is? If you do not feel comfortable writing about it in a public forum, but would like to respond please send me a pm. Thank you!


  • david3142david3142 Posts: 3,555 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have bid in several Stacks auctions and in the first couple, my bids were well higher than where I ended up winning the coins. In the most recent one, I happened to win at my high bid, but that's bound to happen sometimes. There have been complaints about their website, but my experience with the company has been terrific across the board. The other kind of auction you mention sounds highly questionable unless you know going in that you pay what you bid.
  • BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have won lots lower than my max bid on many occasions at SB, including a few this year

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