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Have you ever found eBay sellers with bad titles and good coins?

I got some half dimes awhile ago cheap where the seller listed just the date, but they were PCGS coins shown in the pictures.

I don't think this guy is going to rack up a lot of sales from search results.


  • YQQYQQ Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭✭
    MMMM, are u sure these are / were PCGS coins????????????? Maybe my old eyes are playing a trick on me. or do I understand your post wrong?image
    most of these are NNC coins, slabbed by a basement grader called Centsles in Florida.
    they have more high grade coins than there is sand on a Hawaiian beach. anything that looks ok is AU and higher.
    If there was a grading norm established, they would not even make bottom grade.
    Years ago I bought a few of their coins. Grrrrrrrrrr... sent most of them back Then I inquired with the AG office oin FL. was told they are not breaking any laws and there were many complaints.
    I played a bit with their slab and voila.... a short twist and a letter opener..a and the coin is out!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It is very sad and unfortunate that such rip off's are not illegal.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life
  • TopographicOceansTopographicOceans Posts: 6,535 ✭✭✭✭
    These are overpriced junk that wouldn't sell even if they had the title to reflect what they were.

    But I have found PCGS and NGC slabbed coins with just a title of the date.

    When you start a listing it asks "What are you selling?" and people will type in "1832 coin" and then it is for a PCGS or NGC problem free coin.

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