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life summed up early for this poor kid...


edit: check out his t-shirt. irony.


  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I remember when life was that pure and simple. Listening to games on my 1980's clock radio at night because we didn't have cable. Getting so upset when my team lost or my favorite player struck out. I would go back to boyhood in a heartbeat if there was a way. I guess we all get one childhood, and if we look back on the one we got with great fondness, then we've won. I am sure that for many, collecting cards is a way to stay connected to that time in our lives.

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • begsu1013begsu1013 Posts: 1,943 ✭✭
    for sure. what a range of emotions in such a short spurt of time though.

    one thing is for sure, I woulda wanted that lil kid as my centerfielder when I was on the mound in lil league...

    ah, the good ol (simple) days!
  • JBrulesJBrules Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is a classic moment! Brings back memories from way back in the day. I can remember having to wait to find a newspaper to see if the Reds won or lost and more importantly how my hero Johnny Bench did. Seeing it in the paper that he hit a homerun or drove in a couple of runs would make my day. On the other hand if the Reds lost and JB had an 0-4 I would be bummed the rest of the day. During the summer as a kid I never had access to a television or a radio (rarely) so had to try and find a paper each day which was no easy task some days. Thanks for posting.
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That was me, too. I would wake up literally every morning, come to the kitchen, where my parents had the NY Times on the table with breakfast. And the first words out of my mouth every day were, "What'd Darryl do?" A good box score would make my day. And then we grow up and have to deal with the real world!

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    Saw that clip last night. Awesome.
  • NJ80sBBCNJ80sBBC Posts: 748 ✭✭✭✭
    You guys hit the nail on the head for me. Before I moved to NJ I was a baseball crazed Yankee fan who grew up in Staten Island. Too young to stay up for games (weren't Yanks always on WPIX and Mets on WOR?), I would have to wait until the morning and the box score. I had a NY Daily News paper route so I was informed by 630am every day unless it was a dreaded "Yankees v Angels, n" which meant it finished too late to make the cut for the paper. Those were special times and baseball was the common theme, interwoven throughout every summer as a kid. Wish George would have put together some pitching to join the All Star lineup we had so we could have seen some playoff action, but still incredible memories.
    Conundrum - Loving my unopened baseball card collection....but really like ripping too
  • seebelowseebelow Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭

    loved trying to recreate the game according to the box score stats...when which reliever came in...how he did...my one hero getting his single hit late in the game for the rbi

    had all the time in the world to read all of the individual boxscores..

    the days clipping and reading the boxscore on newsprint newspaper will never return..

    NOW...the kids will recall scanning the stats on the iPad....scrolling down to the next game...clicking the link to that particular highlight..forwarding the link...IMing their buddy...THESE are now the good ol days
    Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all. image
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