1998 Playoff Contenders Leather Auto "Playoff Experience"

I came across a 1998 Playoff Conteders Leather Autographed card. The Back is stamped "Playoff Experience".
The base set is not stamped anything special on the back. Has anyone ever seen these before?
any ideas if this was a redemption, or pack pulled, or what? I can't seem to find much info on it.
The base set is not stamped anything special on the back. Has anyone ever seen these before?
any ideas if this was a redemption, or pack pulled, or what? I can't seem to find much info on it.
I recently came across a 1998 Playoff Contenders Leather Junior Seau card. The card is autographed on the front and is factory stamped "Playoff Experience" on the back. I have never seen a card like this before, and there is no mention of it in the thick beckett football "bible". Anyone know what it is. Was it a mail in redemption, pack pulled, any info would be great!!!
I own the base card, gold, red, and registered exchange versions. none of which have "Playoff Experience" on the back. See Pictures...
My guess is that this is what the Seau card is from - one of these deals.
Only an idiot would have a message board signature.