Anyone looking to piggyback on May special #1?

I am looking for 1 person who has a minimum of 21 cards they would like to sub under the May CC Special #1.
PSA wants $5.50. I would charge $6.25/each and cover shipping to/from PSA. You would be responsible for exact return shipping from me to you once the order is complete.
Sub needs to go next week, so you would need to have your stuff ready to go in short order. If interested, PM me.
Collectors Club Special #1:
Special Only Valid for PSA Online Submission Center Forms
-$5.50 per Card – 50 Card Minimum Quantity Required
-Years - 1956 to Present, cards valued under $100 each
-Sport and non-sport cards
-Regular size, thick/patch, Coins/Pins and Tallboy cards are accepted
-Excluding T3's, Supersized, and Autographed Cards
-For Collectors Club members only
-Turnaround time approximately 50 business days/varies with demand
-Click here for Full Details!
PSA wants $5.50. I would charge $6.25/each and cover shipping to/from PSA. You would be responsible for exact return shipping from me to you once the order is complete.
Sub needs to go next week, so you would need to have your stuff ready to go in short order. If interested, PM me.
Collectors Club Special #1:
Special Only Valid for PSA Online Submission Center Forms
-$5.50 per Card – 50 Card Minimum Quantity Required
-Years - 1956 to Present, cards valued under $100 each
-Sport and non-sport cards
-Regular size, thick/patch, Coins/Pins and Tallboy cards are accepted
-Excluding T3's, Supersized, and Autographed Cards
-For Collectors Club members only
-Turnaround time approximately 50 business days/varies with demand
-Click here for Full Details!