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CNG - a couple of sede vacante medals

I managed to add a couple of medals to my sede vacante set this week. I can't wait to see what the Mainz looks like in hand. Paid dearly for it but I am thinking it will be one of the collection centerpieces.

GERMANY, Mainz (Erzbistum). Sede Vacante. 1743. AR Medal (47mm, 33.21 g, 12h). By W. Schäffer. S. Martin on horse trotting left, holding sword and sharing clothing with beggar to lower right; border of 12 coats-of-arms around / * CAPITUL : METROP : MOGUNT : *, garnished coat-of-arms; around, border of 11 coats-of-arms and cartouche with SEDE/VACAN/TE. Walther 508; Zepernick 18. Superb EF, lightly toned and lustrous.


GERMANY, Speyer (Bistum). Sede Vacante. 1770. AR Medal (46mm, 36.42 g, 12h). By A. Schäffer. * CAPITVLVM CATHEDRALE SPIRENSE, half-length bust of the Madonna facing slightly right, holding Holy Infant; around, border of seven coats-of-arms and cartouche with date strung together / REGNANS SEDE VACANTE, bishopric coat-of-arms; around, border of eight coats-of-arms strung together. Haas 560; Zepernick 252. EF, lightly toned and lustrous.



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