Looking to purchase high grade RCs of Rose, Mays,Aaron ,Ryan,Bob Gibson, and Mike Schmidt and a few

I am looking for a 73 Schmidt in psa 9, Rose in a psa 8, Ryan in a psa 7-8, Gibson psa 7-8 Mays in a psa6-7 and Aaron in psa 7-7.5. All would need to be decently centered and their rookie year.
Also looking for a 1970 topps psa cello with Mays on top or Aaron on top at a fair price.
Also looking for a 1970 topps psa cello with Mays on top or Aaron on top at a fair price.
PSA has only graded 13 packs from series 5 (as per the pop report). Unfortunately none have Aaron (or even the Aaron AS) showing
on either side.
As for 6th series packs, the total population of PSA-graded packs is 83. Of these, there are 7 with Mays showing on top (1 x PSA 5, 5 x PSA 7
and 1 x PSA 9), plus there is 1 PSA 7 pack with Mays showing on the bottom (reverse of card).
Any 1970 cello pack that has provenance that can be tied back to Larry Fritsch are usually viewed as ironclad in terms of authenticity.
There is one of the PSA 7 packs with Mays showing currently listed on eBay with an asking price of $1395 or best offer. That's a
significant increase relative to what was being paid for 1970 series 6 cellos last year (fair market value for it a year ago would have
been around $650-$750), but you will note that all of the ones Fritsch had listed on eBay have been gone for a while.
Good luck finding the pack you are looking for.