Card Shops And/Or Shows In Raleigh NC Area

I am currently working in Raleigh NC and would like to know if there are any good card shops or shows in the area. I'll be here for the next several weeks.
Thank you, James
Thank you, James
There's a small place called E&E Baseball Card shop about 20 minutes north of town on US 1. He does mostly Magic cards and stuff like that, but does have some sports. The hobby has kind of passed him, and I don't think he has a real sense of modern selling/collecting. I don't shop there because he has some early-mid 80s boxes that he sells "unopened" packs out of, and they've all clearly been opened and searched - like, some packs only have 4 or 5 cards in them, and he sells them as NIB unopened. Got mad at me when I called him on it.
We do have a pretty decent show every couple months at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh put on by The next one is June 20-21. Very good selection of 50s-70s vintage. Sometimes there's a lot of prewar also, but it varies.
Hope that helps, have fun!