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WTB 2015 March of Dimes 3-Coin sets only need 8 set's giveing $100 per set frist strike boxs only. D

Type2Type2 Posts: 13,985 ✭✭✭✭✭
Looking for 8 sets paying $100 per set but they need to be in the mint sealed boxes with receipt to show how many are in the box. PM me with how many you are selling me, Thank you in advance ~Type2. image

1st up for 5 set's "agentjim007"
2nd up for 5 set's " morgandollar1878 "
3rd up for 5 set's " oilers99 "
4th up for 3 set's maybe " Weather11am "

Went a bit over but that is ok if I need more I will repost......

************** " Order completed Thanks to all that helped out " ***************

Hoard the keys.


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