I need some help with 1981 Topps Red football stickers.

I picked this set up the other day I've been looking for a nice Largent to send into PSA. I know these were a test issue of some sort, this is the first time I have seen a set packaged before. It's wrapped in a tight cello with very machine looking folds on the top and bottom sides. It has some tape added to the back maybe to keep the flaps form coming up. From the side there are like four groups of cards that are all the same width. I think these were used in some type of bubble clam shell quarter machine. So my question, did Topps send these sets out to vendors this way from the factory? Or is this a post factory wrap job? If this is a set packaged from the Topps factory then I'm not sure I should break it. Like I said I've never seen one like it. Any input? thanks

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