Why is Steve Carlton Looking Over His Left Shoulder?

So I've been looking at my Steve Carlton rookie, which I got this month, and something kept seeming off about it. I think I figured it out. He's in the classic pose of a pitcher peering in for the sign, one shoulder dipped below the other, but he's looking over his left shoulder, when he should be looking over his right shoulder. Why is one of the best and most famous of left-handed pitchers, nicknamed "Lefty," posed as if he's a righty looking at the catcher? Seems unlikely he would have just posed that way. Is it a well-recognized reversed negative and I've just never known it? I'm sure someone else must have noticed this before but I couldn't find anything with a few searches. The hat is right, and what looks like might be the tip of a cardinal on the jersey is visible on his left chest, and the higher cardinal on the jersey is on the left, so that seems correct. Or is it airbrushing the hat and part of a cardinal over a reversed negative? I don't know the ins and outs of airbrushing, would airbrushing over a reversed negative be likely? Could be intentional for purposes of composition of the card, I suppose, but why not just have him on the left. Anybody have any information or guesses?

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<< <i>He's having a hard time looking at Fritz's unibrow without laughing? >>
Ha! This is definitely the most likely explanation, and one I hadn't thought of.
<< <i>I'm looking at it as though he's in his follow-through after throwing a ball. Like if you were posing as if you just threw a ball. I dunno... lol >>
That's a real possibility.
<< <i>I'm looking at it as though he's in his follow-through after throwing a ball. Like if you were posing as if you just threw a ball. I dunno... lol >>
Good thought, this could be it. But I would expect more turn in the shoulder toward the body. Looks to me from the shoulder like the arm is hanging at the side, not turned in toward the body like it would be after a throw. Very hard to be sure, though.
Edited to eliminate duplicate scan.
<< <i>I'm looking at it as though he's in his follow-through after throwing a ball. Like if you were posing as if you just threw a ball. I dunno... lol >>
<< <i>It's funny, now that everyone is saying follow through I have to admit that it makes the most sense, that it is the simplest explanation, and that you guys know everything, so a follow through must be what it is. To the point where I feel silly having even brought it up. But I still can't see it! I've been scouring Carlton pics (a risky proposition since you run into all those Jockey underwear ads) to figure it out and I can't see it. It just doesn't look like a follow through to me. It's like a duck/rabbit thing or something with my brain. I'd love to see the original photo at some point so I could wrap my head around it. Thanks for all the responses. >>
It could have been a staged pic, where the photographer had him pretend to throw instead of an actual throw. Could be why it doesn't quite look like a real follow through.
Okay, that's all I got LOL.