I have been thinking the same thing. It clogs the top of every page. I get that the rules should stay there but others should drop after X amount of weeks.
<< <i>I use AdBlock to permanently "erase" threads that I don't want to see. >>
The titles aren't what bother me, just the screen real estate they take up. Thirty percent of the first page posts is excessive (even more when there are threads commenting about them).
<< <i>I use AdBlock to permanently "erase" threads that I don't want to see. >>
The titles aren't what bother me, just the screen real estate they take up. Thirty percent of the first page posts is excessive (even more when there are threads commenting about them). >>
Click CUSTOMIZE up top, and you can increase the number of threads per page and/or posts per page.
Looking to have some custom cuts or plain custom cards built? PM me.
<< <i>I use AdBlock to permanently "erase" threads that I don't want to see. >>
The titles aren't what bother me, just the screen real estate they take up. Thirty percent of the first page posts is excessive (even more when there are threads commenting about them).
<< <i>
<< <i>I use AdBlock to permanently "erase" threads that I don't want to see. >>
The titles aren't what bother me, just the screen real estate they take up. Thirty percent of the first page posts is excessive (even more when there are threads commenting about them). >>
Click CUSTOMIZE up top, and you can increase the number of threads per page and/or posts per page.
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