Went to the Yankees game last night

Got to Camden yards when the gates opened at 5. Talk about a super nice guy, Dellin Betances. First Adam Warren tossed me a ball, grabbed a pen and Dellin comes over to meet some yankee fans. He was awesome. I have some pics of us that my wife took but here is the ball Adam tossed to me, that Dellin signed. Arod, my favorite, wouldn't even turn around to acknowledge us group of ten or so fans

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<< <i>Arod, my favorite
nobody should EVER use the words "Arod", "my" and "favorite" in the same sentence
<< <i>Lol yeah my bad. There was a lot of hate towards him, and Texiera for some reason. My wife almost passed out seeing Ellsbury at ten feet away >>
Take away the fact that Im a Sox lover and Yankee Hater, Texeira is second only to Arod on my list of MLB players I cant stand the most.