Did you ever get yelled at by a dealer at a show?

A few weeks back I was at a large show. Looking for the usual 80s sealed wax. I find one dealer with a nice selection of items and most were priced slightly lower than BBCE. He had a few tables with some cheaper wax on the tables and a shelf with some more high end wax. Everything was in reach for the customer to look at. I took a higher priced item off the shelf to look at the box. I got yelled at by the dealer and embarassed pretty much because I took this item off the shelf to look at. I came to the show looking to buy and left with a bad taste in my mouth. I was going to buy this box but after that, I walked away. Anything like this ever happen to anyone else?
Always looking for vintage wax boxes!
<< <i>Dramatically drop it (like a bad dive in hockey) >>
^^^ So you mean pull a Crosby ^^^
<< <i>
<< <i>Dramatically drop it (like a bad dive in hockey) >>
^^^ So you mean pull a Crosby ^^^ >>
<< <i>Well, it was a box of hockey
Nice! What year/issue?
Usually I keep my hands in my pocket or behind me when I'm perusing items for sale (primarily at auctions and thrift shops, but would do the same at tables). I don't think you were out of line for getting the box. If I setup a table I would expect items placed in areas like that to be picked up.
<< <i>It was an 87 88 OPC box. >>
You should have yelled louder and told him to calm down, then tell him OK so my money isnt good enough for you here and then walk away.
Ive never been yelled at but did have this dealer let out a big sigh and acted like I was bothering him when I asked him to see something under a case, so real simple I waited until he took it out and was ready to hand it to me and I told him I changed my mind and walked away, I cant stand dealers acting like its a hassle when you ask them a question or to see something I might be interested in buying.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
<< <i>Did he really yell or did he just say don't touch? If he truly yells at folks he better be a rather large man or pick and chose his targets carefully! >>
Well, he didn't scream at the top of his lungs, but was rude about it. And in front of other people. I felt awful and it ruined the rest of the show for me.
<< <i>When I was 16, I was at my first show (1981). I asked a dealer to look at some 50's cards and he gave me a bunch of garbage about being a kid and he didn't have time to waste with me. I dropped several hundred dollars at that show. I made sure to drop by the guy's dead table to show him. >>
My friends father asked to look at an expensive card once and the dealer told him that it was very expensive and if he had the money to buy it if he took it out of the case. My friends father is a great guy but gets real vocal if you rub him the wrong way. He pulled out about $2K in cash and told the guy to keep his card and stick it in one of his holes that is usually quite dark. I laughed when the dealer tried to apologize and get him to buy the card. We all just walked away. Of course my friends father went back to the dealer to show him the same card he just bought at another table.
Many people say they "don't care what people think or say to them" but it's quite surprising how one person can really bring you down.
<< <i>I never got yelled at but definitely insulted a dealer by offering him 1.50 for a 2.50 card. I really didn't think I was doing anything wrong (and still don't think I did) but this dealer kind of made me feel bad and I actually haven't been back to the card show since.
Many people say they "don't care what people think or say to them" but it's quite surprising how one person can really bring you down. >>
<< <i>It is rare person that can focus and not take things personally when someone is not nice to them. We all have off days. Just move on. You have a choice to be happy or sad about it. >>
This is pretty good advice. I haven't been to a real card show (I went to Long Beach Expo, but that's really a coin show with a handful of card dealers) in two decades. I have never been yelled at by a dealer at a show, but I am in the process of being yelled at by a dealer on eBay, lol. I am not too bothered by it. I am just going to take the high road. After working with the public for over a decade in my job, I find it easier to let people vent and get their anger out of their system. To be fair, your situation sounds a bit more intense (especially being in person) but I would have done exactly what you did and just walked away from the situation. Sorry it bummed you out for the rest of the show. I would suggest that next time you try to just put something like that behind you and try to enjoy your day. You did nothing wrong and you shouldn't let someone else's poor behavior ruin your day.
spilling drinks on cards
dropping boxes
bending cards
"accidently" putting cards in one's pocket
grabbing cards in number order, pulling out about fifty or so and then deciding you don't want them and walking away leaving a mess on table
I'm sure everyone who has set up at a show had this happen to them from time to time......
I'm not sticking up for the dealer by no means, you should always show restraint but there are two sides to every story.....
PS: If I had a $600 dollar box of cards it would be in a display case, not sitting out in the open.....an invitation to be stolen if you ask me....
My last memory of card shows was in Central Nj, where I was hoarding 89UD and TT Jerome Waltons and Dwight Smiths. And I had never even considered the thought of keeping a box of cards unopened, much less a hoard of them!
<< <i>If you're a big guy, give the dealer the DX Crop Chop (like WWE's Triple H used to do) and dare him to do anything about it. >>
Then say, "I've got two words for ya..!" You know what comes next
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