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Latest Tetradrachm

Here is my latest and last tetradrachm for awhile while I let some some relatives birthdays and mine not consume my coin $ the next two months.

Gordian III (238 - 244 A.D.)
AR Tetradrachm
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch
O: AVTOK K M ANT GORDIANOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
R: DHMAPX EX UPATO B, eagle standing facing, head left with wreath in beak, below, crescent & ram running left.
Antioch Mint, Struck 242 A.D.
Prieur 301


  • STLNATSSTLNATS Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭
    I really like the tets of Antioch and this is quite interesting with the nice portrait and the ram on the reverse. And its decent silver and all there. Congrats.

    Always interested in St Louis MO & IL metro area and Evansville IN national bank notes and Vatican/papal states coins and medals!
  • I like it, usually when you see a Gordian III it's a denarius, but you've been going the provincial route so I'm seeing coins I've not seen before image
    =Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award 4/28/2014=
  • nicholasz219nicholasz219 Posts: 1,386 ✭✭✭
    Yes, BM, this is my first time seeing a Gordian III that is not a denarius either. He is not an emperor I follow much because I have an example. But this is a pretty cool example. The eagle and ram are pretty sweet and I have not seen a similar design even in passing. The lettering on the obverse especially is very good as well as the portrait. Good job.
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