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Strange things with the Pop reports this week

dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭✭✭
Has anyone else notices pops dropping on coins? While this may seem normal with re-grades and cert returns, I am finding varieties disappearing from the pops, even though they are still listed in people's registry sets.

(one example)

cert number: 27139339. This is an 1897 RPD FS-301 (FS-014.48) Liberty Nickel in AU58.This coin is still listed in a registry set, with a pop of 0

(another example)

cert number: 20243256. This is an 1898 RPD FS-302 (FS-014.495) Liberty Nickel in AU58. This coin is still listed in a registry set, with a pop of 0

I noticed other Liberty Nickel varieties getting removed from the pops, including this one. The image is still in CoinFacts.


This is just for the Liberty Nickel varieties. I wonder how many others, that are so clear, are now missing?

Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053


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