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Mike Piazza...gay?

Just another example of why the media sucks.


  • No chance he's gay, that guy gets more tail than he knows what to do with.

    Now I always thought McGwire was a little iffy, always hugging up a little too much on maris's son LOL And crying too much.
  • first off Big mac got re married a few weeks ago. second I whouldnt dout mike pizza being gay he look like he works part time in the fuge packing plant Hehe
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  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    I agree. Even Mike said himself that he wasn't gay publicly and that he dates women! I figured at his age, he'd be married by now. But, another reason why the media pisses me off sometimes...blowing useless issues out of proportion.
  • I really don't think Piazza is, and like Derrick said, why should the media care anyways.

    After all, we didn't make it a big deal when Derrick came out image (j/k buddy)
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭

    That was cold! lol image
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