Home PSA Set Registry Forum

Changing Priorities - Shocking 1972T News!

Some of you may have noticed a significant change in the completion percentage of my 72 set recently.
Well. . .after a lot of thought and debate, I have decided to exit the quest for the 1972T set and sell off the entire inventory of 72s. There are a few reasons for this, but the short answer is that it will put me in a much better position to work on the late-70s sets that more accurately capture my childhood.

I've decided that the best way for me to sell these - and still retain my sanity - is to sell them outright rather than listing them on eBay. If you are interested in purchasing some of these, then you will need to go to http://www.1972topps.com/terms.html. This page will outline the details of the sale and from there you can get to the details on what's being offered. I do ask that you read the terms page before looking at cards. This will make everyone's life easier and help to ensure smoother transactions.

I will leave the set posted to the registry and remove cards as they are sold. For this reason, my set registry listing will not be an accurate list of cards available. The most accurate list of available cards will be accessible from the link above.

I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who assisted me with the 72 set. Without your help and support, it wouldn't have been possible. A finer group of collectors you will never find!!!!

Fear not. . .I will still be very active in the pursuit of my 75 and 79 sets!

So full of action, my name should be a verb.


  • calleochocalleocho Posts: 1,569 ✭✭
    wow ...long ago before the set registry.. i almost got into collecting this set.. i remember mike talking about it the whole time ...its truly a sad day for the fav five ...Ethan
    "Women should be obscene and not heard. "
    Groucho Marx
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Ethan> I don't look at it as a sad day for the 72 group. The way I see it, I'm in a unique position to help as many 72 collectors as possible. I see that as a good thing. image

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • I know I said it before, but I will say it again, that website is supreme!! Love that deisgn, etc. Good Luck on 75 & 79 and whatever else you have going on.
  • theBobstheBobs Posts: 1,136 ✭✭
    Mike is a credit to the hobby. He went above and beyond to answer my questions when I re-entered card collecting last year, and throughout has been a great friend. It is a sad day for the 72 guys, but also a happy day as many quality cards are now available to them.


    Best of luck with the liquidation and with the late 70s/early 80s sets.

    Where have you gone Dave Vargha
    CU turns its lonely eyes to you
    What's the you say, Mrs Robinson
    Vargha bucks have left and gone away?

    hey hey hey
    hey hey hey
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    I'm sure that this doesn't mean we won't be seeing you so "Good Bye" really doesn't fit. I think that we'll all find that as we wind our way through different sets, we'll lose track with some and re-connect with others. But, I think this Forum is really the corner candy store. So, if we're not trading 72's I look forward to continuing to harass you in print.

    Thanks Mike for all of your help on the 72 set. My set wouldn't be nearly in the shape that its in without your help. You'll be sorely missed in the 72 Registry.image
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    Mike - Shocking news! I thought you would take this set to your grave. You are synonymous w/ the 1972 set. Good luck with your other endeavours...jay
  • thegemmintmanthegemmintman Posts: 3,101 ✭✭
    Mike, I am truly stunned. If someone asked me who is the most die hard collector of the 72's I would have said your name first (no disrespect at all to the other FAB FIVE members).

    Good luck with your sales and progress towards the '75 and '79 sets!

    Of course you will need to nominate someone to replace you in the FAB FIVE otherwise there could be anarchy and coups left and right image.
  • VarghaVargha Posts: 2,392 ✭✭
    Sorry to hear that Mike. As I have always said though, if I ever had to sell my set because of changing financial needs, I will definitely do it. I hope that day never comes, but you never know.
  • rw2winrw2win Posts: 557
    I almost spit Mountain Dew all over my monitor, wow.
    I love the 72 website and thanks for all your collecting insight.
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    rw> Don't worry. . .I'm not going anywhere. . .just need to give Mr. Smith some more competition on the 75s and 79s image

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • rw2win - Glad to hear there are other Dew addicts out there!

    Mike - Sorry to hear you're folding on the '72 set. You may want to consider holding onto a few of the really tough ones in case you decide to go the 'Gaspipe' route and build another set later. Good luck with your other sets. By the way, I have about 50 1975's in for grading right now. I'm not sure how many 8's I'll get based on what I've been getting so far on the other invoices that have posted (see my thread in the 'Sportscard and Memorabilia Forum').
    Please visit my eBay auctions at gemint
  • Late1970sToppsLate1970sTopps Posts: 750 ✭✭✭

    Does that mean the 1975 and 1979 sets will be getting their own websites? Cool!

    On a more serious note, I know that you have had a lot of fun and quite a challenge with the 1972 set. Your contributions to that year in terms of knowledge and enthusiasm have been truly commendable. I think you, along with the rest of the “fab five,” have really helped to build the following that the 1972 set has today. You will be missed. However, it will be nice having a “big shot” like you collect these “easy,” “overproduced,” and “overpriced” cards from 1975 and 1979. At least I won’t have to take being told that I am insane for wasting my money on these new cards alone.

    Frank Smith
    Looking for 1975, 1978, and 1979 Topps Baseball in high end PSA 9 and PSA 10.
    The best presents in life are the ones you give yourself!
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭

    Is a good thing Mike decided to do this now instead of a month ago or he might of got my 1979 PSA 9's and 10. lolimage


    When I started my 1974 set that was my main focus. Then PSA started this forum and it was you who gave me that final push to start the 1972 set.

    Currently we are the only group with an official "nickname" and now you decided to turn pro (Chris Webber)! Thanks for all you have done for this amazing sets popularity. *As my eyes begin to well up* You will always be one of the FAB FIVE.

    Good luck,

  • thegemmintmanthegemmintman Posts: 3,101 ✭✭
    I understand that there are already preliminary discussions underway for Mike's early induction into THE FAB FIVE HALL OF FAME.
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Frank> Nothing planned yet, but I suppose a web site for the other sets is a possibility. . .one never knows image

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭

    We may have to wave the 5 year rule. I belive an early induction is in order.

  • Late1970sToppsLate1970sTopps Posts: 750 ✭✭✭

    Until all the great sets come out of the woodwork in October to blow us away, if you’re looking for a new nickname, we could call ourselves the “Dynamic Duo” on the 1975 or 1979 set. Just don’t ask me to wear a cape, mask, or tights at the national. OK?


    I just got those in the nick of time huh?

    Frank Smith
    Looking for 1975, 1978, and 1979 Topps Baseball in high end PSA 9 and PSA 10.
    The best presents in life are the ones you give yourself!
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    mcastaldi - best of luck. Also, congratulations are again in order on the 1972topps website.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
  • Mike - I have felt for quite a while now that the community of collectors on this board are "everything that is right about card collecting, set building, and this hobby in general."
    I take a little bit of enjoyment every day listening to the trials and tribulations of my fellow collecting comrades as we mutually draw closer to our individual set completion goals.

    Your active and proactive role regarding the 1972 Topps set has been inspiring to many including myself. The 72topps website is a standing indication of your appreciation and dedication to the pursuit of our hobby. I thank you. You are just one of many reasons I'm in the 72'set pursuit myself.

    In all of our busy lives we are consumed with caring for our family, our work and the various entanglements that come with every waking hour. Having said that, I do not think there is a day that goes by that I dont think about cards. This is probably the only place you could make such a statement and not have half the room think your a wacko. I suspect there are many more of you who feel the same way.
    I have, therefore, found a few minutes each day for this board to stay in contact with all my "friends" of this hobby; even though in most cases we have never met.
    Mike, I count you as my friend.

    I wish you the best selling off your wonderfully inspiring set and look forward to your concentrated efforts on your "childhood" sets as you share your experiences here on the board.
    It is obvious from the other posts that quite a few other friends feel the same.

    RayB69Topps & 72 too!
    Never met a Vintage card I didn't like!
  • AlfiewtAlfiewt Posts: 337

    I'm sorry to hear that you are selling you 1972 set, you were so close to completing it. I wish you the best of luck with your other sets.

  • 1955 Bowman Football
  • Sorry about the double post.

    Ray - That is about as well put as anybody could possibly express themselves.

    1955 Bowman Football
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭

    How has your sales been going?

  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    Its happened...

    Mike has officially fallen out of the top 5 on the 72 Set Registry. His "Fab Five" membership now becomes honorary. But, don't feel bad for him. We've made him "Grand Marshal" of the 72 Topps Parade at the Nationals this summer and he still gets to be one of the judges at the Miss 72 Topps pageant at our annual convention in Maui.

    So Mike - how IS the sale going?
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • theBobstheBobs Posts: 1,136 ✭✭
    Why is Mike's set not on the all-time list?
    Where have you gone Dave Vargha
    CU turns its lonely eyes to you
    What's the you say, Mrs Robinson
    Vargha bucks have left and gone away?

    hey hey hey
    hey hey hey
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Mike's set is not among the all-time finest because he did not think to "retire" the set through PSA before beginning the sale. By the time it was thought about, it was too late.

    In all honesty, it would have been nice but I'm not too worried about it. I guess I have a problem on some level with laying any sort of claim to cards that I have sold and now belong to others.

    Anyway. . .

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭
    I have a problem on some level with laying any sort of claim to cards that I have sold and now belong to others.


    I can't suggest to you how to feel, I can only say you should be proud of what you amassed. Who knows, in a couple of years when you say to yourself or someone else "I remember when I had 90% +++ of the 1972 PSA graded set." you can look back at it with fond memories. I know I wish I still had my MINT 1956 set (RAW), or at least look at it again. When I tell people about they say "YEAH....RIGHT"


    PS Look at it this way...Someone owned those cards before you did (Card dealer, store owner, private collector, and the Topps Company). And I don't think they hold any ill will toward your collection. As you already know, I bought a lot of 72's off you, Frank, Erik, and Dale and I'm proud to own them.
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    Carlos> I understand what you're saying. . .and a year from now - or 5 years from now - I know I'll look back often and smile about how I'd gathered 94% of a graded 72 set. But to me, those are personal memories. Whether my name is on the registry listing or not doesn't tarnish or diminish those memories - to me. I know what I'd done and that's what's important to me. If others choose not to believe that, then that's not a big deal to me. The fact that I know and that the people in the hobby that I consider to be my friends know is enough for me.

    And it will also be in the perspective that the 72 set in some ways helped me achieve completion on my other sets.


    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So Mike, do you think you'll ever go back and rebuild the '72 set? It seemed to be your favorite for some time.
  • mcastaldimcastaldi Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭
    John> I'm nearly positive I'll build it in ungraded NM form. I've got too many nice-but-not-PSA8 cards not to image

    So full of action, my name should be a verb.
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