Milton Bradley or not Milton Bradley

Need some thoughts on whether or not these are MB versions of 1968 Topps. Long story short, I bought a big lot of 1968's on the cheap, without knowing they were MB's. The only cards in the lot, were the ones included in the MB set, no regular issue cards that werent issued as MB's in the lot. Sold a big lot on the bay, with good scans last summer, had multiple people make offers well above what I was expecting and told me they were MB's. Piggybacked on a friends order to (ugh Beckett), they came back as regular issue, even though, in hand, I can clearly see the difference as I included a Pete Rose from 1968 in the scan. Would be interested to know if these are the only regular issues in a lot where the rest were the Bradleys. Thanks


Edited to add: After reading the link to the discussion linked on the next post....the card (Ryan) exhibits a distinct white border sliver to the left of Koosman and a very slight one on the top of the card
MB trainwreck
Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's
<< <i>The backs aren't very good quality but the color definitely makes them appear to MB. If you get them back to Beckett they will take a look and correct it. >>
Yeah, my scanner here at work is pretty bad. Part of the story not included since I didnt think it was relevant, but I have already sent them back for correcting.....they were returned to me today as "No need for new label, graded correctly". I sent an email asking them for clarification, even including the scans you see below and links to current auctions of BVG graded cards, which when matched up are identical to my scan...received what seemed to be like a form reply saying
After reviewing these two cards we have determined that they are still the base version of the card. They do not need to be relabeled.
I just find it hard to believe that someone would drop $200 for a handful of commons that werent actually MB's they bought from me last summer, as well as the the fact that there were zero cards that were included in the lot I bought from the standard set as well. Was kind of hoping to flip these before re-upping my PSA membership, but now it looks like they will be cracked out and sent to PSA since the grader(s) at Beckett either do not know the difference or do not want to admit a mistake.
Thanks to all the replies
<< <i>KBCards had the best brain dump on MB's I've read, hopefully he'll chime in. Or you can go to the previous thread and read it there. Skip to page 3
MB trainwreck >>
Ahh....good times.
Edit to add: based upon the information and scans provided they appear to be MB. Based on the older thread, if you have a regular 68 baseball or a 67 football to compare the color on the back that provide further proof.
Also, if a Hall of Fame for posts is ever created, the post on page 9 by CoinRuckus gets my vote.