If you can tolerate the look of the card with a pinhole, they can often be a very economical way of purchasing a card that is otherwise mint if not for the hole. Yes, the hole will get you a 1 or an Authentic if the rest of the card knocks it down to A instead of 1, but when it comes to eye appeal, there is a tremendous amount of variance within the cards graded as 1.
I don't want to know how many raw vintage cards in my collection have pinholes I missed. Some are VERY small and hard to see, or differentiate from typical pitting and other depressions.
Kiss me once, shame on you. Kiss me twice.....let's party.
If you can tolerate the look of the card with a pinhole, they can often be a very economical way of purchasing a card that is otherwise mint if not for the hole. Yes, the hole will get you a 1 or an Authentic if the rest of the card knocks it down to A instead of 1, but when it comes to eye appeal, there is a tremendous amount of variance within the cards graded as 1.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
When in doubt, just hold it up with a bright light or sunny window behind and it is usually easy to see the light come through.