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My new Severan dynasty purchase. A denarius of Plautilla.

SwampboySwampboy Posts: 12,936 ✭✭✭✭✭
Plautilla, wife of Caracalla 202-205 A.D. Denarius
AR Denarius 19mm. 3.05g. Rome Mint
obv. Draped bust, right
rev. Venus, naked to waist, standing half left, holding apple and palm; shield at side, Cupid before holding helmet.
RIC IV 369; RSC III 25

The daughter of the Praetorian prefect (who was the first cousin of her father-in-law Septimius Severus), Plautilla ascended to the purple in 202 A.D. after her arranged marriage to Caracalla and was co-Augusta with Julia Domna until 205 A.D.
Reviled by her husband (Cassius Dio reports Plautilla to have been a profligate) she was banished with her daughter to Sicily once her father was executed for treason.
Once father-in-law Septimius died Caracalla ordered her death and she was strangled in 212 A.D. on the island of Lipari.

Here's an image of a marble portrait of Plautilla that resides in The Archaeology Museum, Zagreb

The entertainment can never be overdressed....except in burlesque


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