Help with grading. . .

Would anyone be willing to help me get some cards graded? I do not have a membership and am only looking to have cards graded to add to my registry collections (not to sell). I am looking for grading within the $5 - $6 per card range.
I used to work with another collector, but he does not send in any longer.
I used to work with another collector, but he does not send in any longer.
I only need 18 cards to complete the Don Mattingly Master collection. Help would be great!
The March Collector's Club Membership Special is as follows and there is one of the members on the Sports Card and Memorabilia Forum who was putting a group submission together.
Club Special #1
All Years – $7.00 per Card
All Years
A 25–card minimum is required.
All Sports and non-sports cards.
Cards must be valued under $150 each.
Regular size, Coins/Pins,Tallboys, Thick/Patch permitted, but each category must be on its own submission form, with its own return shipping fee.
EXCLUDES: Supersized (larger than 3 1/2" x 5 1/2"), and T3 cards.
Turnaround time is approximately 50 business days, but can vary with demand.
Here's what you need to do:
Fill out a submission form, mark OTHER as the type of service and write in "March CC #1".
Click here to print out a form (Note: You must be a Collectors Club member to submit cards for specials. If you are not yet a member, click here to join.)
Write "50-Day" on the outside of your package.
Hurry! All orders must be postmarked between 3/1/2015 – 3/31/2015
**Note: Cards submitted for the Grading Specials need to be submitted on their own separate submission forms and cannot be combined with any other specials or other service levels.
Currently collecting 1934 Butterfinger, 1969 Nabisco, 1991 Topps Desert Shield (in PSA 9 or 10), and 1990 Donruss Learning Series (in PSA 10).
Thanks again.
He needs them in hand by the 13th.
Thanks for the link. I will be sure to look into it and see if I can swing something with him.
I am still open to other suggestions or offers of assistance.
Thanks everyone.
Thanks again. I completely understand and appreciate the help.
I send in to PSA on a regular basis and am currently working on the 91 Desert Shield set.
My Baseball email is if you would like info on when I send and the costs
drop me a note.
Chris is the one looking for submission help. I'm a member and have my friend submit for me since I live abroad.
I send in on a regular basis. Currently working on the 91 Desert Shield set. in registry Fshstry memory set # 12
As one other member mentioned sometimes with PSA it's not the cost of the grade but their extremely high
shipping costs??? Usually ends up about 56cents per card. I also do not make any money off of submissions
however when I get the cards back then you have to pay postage again to get them to you as they are all
sent to me. I'm not sure if you were working with a local which would save on [postage but this is the way it is.
if you want to know when I send and join in for submission no problem knowing the costs.
Please write to if interested.
just another collector. Gary
I must have clicked on the wrong thread. Thanks Gary
Thanks for the help!
I sent an e-mail. Please let me know when you have things ready and what I will need to do.
Thanks again,