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Newps, Crusty half for the 7070, stroll on the darkside and variety Buffs

OnWithTheHuntOnWithTheHunt Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭✭✭
Had never seen one of these before, but it grabbed my attention this morning at a small show in Naugatuck, CT. Don't even mind the light obverse scratch, perfect for the Type set I've been gradually building.

Don't normally do very much on the darkside, but anytime I run across a Colombian blundered date from the 60s and 70s, I grab it. I think they're cool, and cheap. Also from this morning's show.

And of course, a couple of Buffalo varieties, recent picks off eBay for less than $50 total.
1930 5-leg doubled die reverse.

1919 No Designer Initial, PCGS-58. A tiny bit of the top bar of the F is visible, but still qualifies as the variety, according to Ron Pope's book.
Proud recipient of the coveted "You Suck Award" (9/3/10).


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