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March Group Submission- $7, any year - POPPAGE

I will be running a group submission for the March Collectors Club Special #1. $7.00 per card, 50 day turnaround time. Anyone who is interested in joining is welcome to do so.


What cards? Any year, declared value less than $150 on each card, only cards that can be submitted as "regular" (no Tallboys, Coins, etc).

Cost: only the PSA rate + exact return shipping to you. No additional fee for my time, "handling", or shipping to/from PSA. If the special is $7, that is what you pay, plus return shipping. I view group subs as a way to "give back", not a personal means of financial benefit. I am happy to underwrite some of the cost to give everyone the best possible deal.

Timing: all cards must be to me no later than March 13. That's a short timeline - but it's what my schedule currently allows.

Once we have some interest, I will PM those submitting with shipping and mailing instructions. I believe that a smooth group submission is all about communication, so I will update regularly to confirm that your items and payment are received, provide everyone with the tracking number to PSA, and email when the sub is delivered, logged, and when grades pop.

Please post in the thread if interested. Thanks!


Collectors Club Special #1:
$7.00 per Card – 25 Card Minimum Quantity Required
For All Years under $150 each
Sport and non-sport cards
Regular size, thick/patch, Coins/Pins and Tallboy cards are accepted
Excluding T3's, Supersized, and Autographed Cards
For Collectors Club members only
Turnaround time approximately 50 business days/varies with demand


Cellos - Payment Received, Cards Received
DanBessette - Payment Received, Cards Received
PhilG - Payment Received, Cards Received
Dodgerfanjohn - Payment Received, Cards Received
Autos4Alex - Payment Received, Cards Received
rcmb3220 - Payment Received, Cards Received
rjcoy06 - Payment Received, Cards Received
Graygator - Payment Received, Cards Received
Largentcollector - Payment Received, Cards Received
Dytch2220 - Payment Received, Cards Recieved
Grimster - Payment Received, Cards Received
DTKK49A - Payment Received, Cards Received
DoctorK - Payment Received, Cards Received
slum22 - Payment Received, Cards Received
initialD - Payment Received, Cards Received
bigjed - Payment Received, Cards Received
Railsidecards - Payment Received, Cards Received
Csmontie - Payment Received, Cards Received
benderbroeth - Payment Received, Cards Received
thehallmark - Payment Received, Cards Received


  • Not sure if we need a min amount of cards but I would like to participate if possible. Its been awhile since I have submitted anything what are the guidelines/rules? For instance if a couple of use sub the same card how is that controlled or do you only allow one card of said player? When submitting what holders do I sen the cards in if I recall no top loaders, I believe the holder os choice is Card savor but which one is best or required by PSA. Sorry for all the questions but like I said its been awhile thanks Craig
    Working on 1961 1972 1973 topps sets
  • Hi Craig,

    1. No minimum required.

    2. Sub as many of each player as you like. If I happen to get multiples of the same card submitted by different people, which seems unlikely, I'll scan them and tag with each person's name to keep them separate.

    3. Cards must be sent to me in Card Saver 1s (or Ultra Pro equivalent). I have some if you need them and I will provide them at $0.25 each for those who request it.

  • alifaxwa2alifaxwa2 Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭
    May have a few, thanks
    Looking to have some custom cuts or plain custom cards built? PM me.


    Check out my Facebook page
  • Casey

    Thank you for the quick response.

    ... but I still have questions if I submit a 1984 OPC Yzerman and another member in the group does also how does scanning and tagging the card help? Does PSA tag it when they send it back to you? I am only concerned when one Yzerman comes back an 8.5 and the other a 9 how would you know whos card got which grade? I've joined a couple BGS group subs on other sites and the host would never take the same card (unless those cards were serial numbered), he would say the first to post a non serial numbered card was the only one that he would send in because he had no way to determine whos card was whos.

    Maybe I am to worried and shouldn't be but I wanted to ask thanks
    Working on 1961 1972 1973 topps sets
  • Craig,

    When submitting to PSA, they grade them in the order of submission. It is actually fairly easy to separate the order by person to prevent mix-up.

    Scanning is only a fall-back double-check. I would scan the card before submission and note on my computer which card belongs to which person. Very few 1984 OPC Yzermans look exactly alike. When I get them back, I can easily compare each card to the original scans to tell which belongs to which person, if there is any confusion whatsoever.

    It's also a quite unlikely scenario. Usually, these subs get a wide range of interest - across all sports and years. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  • Casey

    thanks appreciate you taking the time to explain to me "the rookie" I'm in for some cards just need to look at each using my calibrated eye ... yeah right never been good at guessing the grade but we'll see ...

    thanks again and have a nice weekend Craig
    Working on 1961 1972 1973 topps sets
  • rjcoy06rjcoy06 Posts: 157 ✭✭✭
    Casey, count me in for 10 cards. I will PM you later tonight after work.
  • Bump
  • celloscellos Posts: 128 ✭✭
    I would be interested in sending about 10 cards assuming you don't mind throwing a few non sport in the mix
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for setting this up. I will have to look at what I have. I have at least 10-20 with a possibility of more. Thanks,


  • << <i>I would be interested in sending about 10 cards assuming you don't mind throwing a few non sport in the mix >>

    Non-sport cards are fine!

    I will be PMing everyone who has posted in this thread with instructions tomorrow morning.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Casey ... should be in for 10. Maybe more if you are accepting coins as well. THANKS!


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • I have gotten some questions about irregular items (tallboys and coins).

    I need to check with PSA about their return shipping guidelines, but I would prefer to send only items that can ship back together, to keep costs to a minimum. I'll post an update when I know more.

    Of course, if you want to submit those items and cover the return shipping cost from PSA to me, I would be happy to send them in any regard.
  • Autos4AlexAutos4Alex Posts: 442 ✭✭✭
    I'd like to participate. I have ~20 cards to submit.
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    I'm in!
  • backbidderbackbidder Posts: 237 ✭✭✭
    Count me in for 20-25. Thanks!
  • DialjDialj Posts: 1,636 ✭✭
    PM Sent
    "A full mind is an empty bat." Ty Cobb

    Currently collecting 1934 Butterfinger, 1969 Nabisco, 1991 Topps Desert Shield (in PSA 9 or 10), and 1990 Donruss Learning Series (in PSA 10).
  • dytch2220dytch2220 Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭
    I could do 3 thick/patch cards if that's possible.
    The N8 Collection: PSA Registry Sets & Showcases
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    Nice gesture Casey. You can't go wrong with this deal. It's like having a $6 or $6.25 special.
  • initialDinitialD Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭
    Put me down for 15

  • DodgerfanjohnDodgerfanjohn Posts: 491 ✭✭✭
    Hi, I'd like to sub 1-5 cards(not sure yet).
  • ManofmoeManofmoe Posts: 264 ✭✭
    I will be in for between 5 and 10 cards. Thanks for organizing this!
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I could do 3 thick/patch cards if that's possible. >>

    Yes, I was wondering about patch cards too. In the group sub that Mknez put together last, patch cards that are thicker but the same width and length of a standard card were eligible. Will that be the case for this group sub too? I have both regular thickness and some patch cards I want to include. Thanks again for the time and effort to spearhead this as well as the financial covering of the shipping to and from PSA. That is extremely generous.
  • LargentcollectorLargentcollector Posts: 760 ✭✭✭
    PM sent

    My new website www.lowgradegems.com

  • Arsenal83Arsenal83 Posts: 1,176 ✭✭✭
    I should be in for 10-20.
  • dtkk49adtkk49a Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭
    Hi, I got at least 20. Thanks
    Follow me - Cards_and_Coins on Instagram

    They call me "Pack the Ripper"
  • Thick/patch cards that will fit in the regular patch holder are allowed.

    I believe that I have PMed all those interested. If you did not receive a PM, contact me.


    I spoke with PSA CS this morning. Because Tallboys and Coins are required to be on separate submission forms, they require both (1) each meeting the minimum quantity threshold, so 25 each and (2) have their own return shipping. As a result, I will NOT be accepting those items for this submission.

    If you have those items and would like them to be graded and are willing to pay for return shipping from PSA, please PM me and we can try to work it out. Thanks.
  • DoctorKDoctorK Posts: 869 ✭✭✭
    I have a minimum of 13 heading out to you this week. Thank you for facilitating this process and allowing me the opportunity to be included.

  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭
    May be interested in subbing 9-10. My friend in the States will be shipping to you. Please let me know what you need from me. Thanks.
  • PhilGPhilG Posts: 237 ✭✭
    Is Signature Required on the package ok? My estimated value is $1500.

  • << <i>Is Signature Required on the package ok? My estimated value is $1500. >>

  • rcmb3220rcmb3220 Posts: 1,108 ✭✭✭✭
    I have a card that would be over $150 based on SMR and ebay if it comes back a 10. Unlikely, I know, but how does this affect the submission?

  • << <i>I have a card that would be over $150 based on SMR and ebay if it comes back a 10. Unlikely, I know, but how does this affect the submission? >>

    No. Declare its value based on what you estimate it to likely be.
  • rcmb3220rcmb3220 Posts: 1,108 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I have a card that would be over $150 based on SMR and ebay if it comes back a 10. Unlikely, I know, but how does this affect the submission? >>

    No. Declare its value based on what you estimate it to likely be. >>

    OK, thanks. I'm in for at least two then. Can you please pm me the details?
  • graygatorgraygator Posts: 488 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have 10-15 cards I'd like to submit. Thanks for putting this together.
  • JuggsJuggs Posts: 495
    Hello Casey,

    I'd probably be in for 10-20. (I'll have exact count when I go through my stuff today).
  • Autos4AlexAutos4Alex Posts: 442 ✭✭✭
    I ended up with 15 cards, they will be mailed today.

    If the shipping costs to/from PSA end up higher than you initially thought and you don't want to foot the entire bill I would be glad to chip in for my portion.
  • onefasttalononefasttalon Posts: 1,207 ✭✭✭
    Ya... count me in for a half-dozen or so too... PM on it's way!


    ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!

  • WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    PM Sent

    I have 25-35 cards.

    Thank you.

  • GeneralJimGeneralJim Posts: 227 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for organizing this Casey , I would have 10 cards to submit if you still have room .

    looking for 1988 Fournier estrellas stickers , 1985 Prism Jewel stickers , anything Jesse Owens .

  • << <i>If the shipping costs to/from PSA end up higher than you initially thought and you don't want to foot the entire bill I would be glad to chip in for my portion. >>

    Thanks, Alex. If it gets really big and anyone feels the inclination to toss in a few bucks to chip in for shipping, that is appreciated. People should feel no obligation, though; as I've said, I am happy to give some of my time and money to pay it forward to the group here.

    PMs sent to all who have posted so far.
  • billwaltonsbeardbillwaltonsbeard Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭✭
    I have nothing I want to sub at the moment, but I just wanted to acknowledge the coolness of this offer. There are still a few really good guys left on this board.
  • benderbroethbenderbroeth Posts: 1,699 ✭✭
    I am game for 18 cards

    my t-205's

    looking for low grade t205's psa 1-2
  • GrimsterGrimster Posts: 286 ✭✭✭
    I'd like to participate. I've got ~10 I'd like to send.


  • I have five ready to go.

    Thanks for putting this together!
  • thehallmarkthehallmark Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭
    PM sent
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Cards shipped priority this morning. Thanks Casey!
  • PMs sent to all who have inquired. I am going to cut this off now to avoid any delays in getting the sub off on time. Thanks.
  • CNoteCNote Posts: 2,070
    Dang, just read this thread
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