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Regrade of a registry set with True View or Reholder with a Pedigree

I have a gold type registry set that I had pedigreed back in 2002 when it was easy to be in the top 5.

I'd like to get them True Viewed with the current $5 special with re-holdering. I assume the re-holdering will retain the pedigree, correct?

The other option is to have them re-graded and True Viewed. Would I lose the pedigree in this case?
Even though I'm pretty sure one would bump up there is a risk that one of more could downgrade and in which case would the set lose it's position in the registry?

I think I'm down to like #15 and no longer in the top 5 so I'm not pedigree worthy anymore image


  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭
    In either senario, you can request to keep the Pedigree.

    ( I assume you meant regraded ). In either case, all you
    have to do is ask.

    If it's just a Tru View you ask for - you need to pay for the new holder, regardless.

    If you firmly believe the coins might upgrade and still want to keep the pedigree, feel
    free to pay the grading fees ( if so, I would ask and pay for Secure Plus service ) as well
    as the Tru View Fees. Remember, there is a Quarterly Special on 5 Free Tru Views.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

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  • TopographicOceansTopographicOceans Posts: 6,535 ✭✭✭✭
    Yes - re-graded

    They have the 5 free ones, but also a $5 special when the coin is re-holdered but I guess that doesn't apply to re-grades. But it appears a re-grade is risky since they would buy it back.

    REGRADE: For a coin previously graded by PCGS you feel might be worthy of a higher grade, submit it in the holder. The coin will be removed from the PCGS holder and regraded. Minimum grades are not accepted. If the coin grades lower, the terms of the PCGS guarantee will apply. For full discloser of the PCGS guarantee, visit www.pcgs.com/guarantee.html.

    REHOLDER: Re-encapsulation of a PCGS-graded coin. The coin will not be regraded.
  • LindeDadLindeDad Posts: 18,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Call as I don't think if there not still in the top five they will redo the pedigree. They redid those rules a few years ago.
  • TopographicOceansTopographicOceans Posts: 6,535 ✭✭✭✭
    I called and got bounced between the registry people and customer service.

    My understanding is that

    1) The re-holdering will be returned with the pedigree if I notate that on the form and the $5 true view special applies
    2) They won't change the name of the pedigree
    3) A re-grading will also be returned with the pedigree if I notate that on the form, but the True View is full price.
    4) If a coin downgrades, it is covered under the guarantee but would still keep the pedigree.

    So either way should preserve the pedigree, but the re-grade True View is not on sale.

    A reholder and True View is $17 each
    A re-grade and True View is $42 each

    So, I can bet $25 a coin that I might get an upgrade.
  • GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you think the coins have a shot at an upgrade and the upgrade is worth more than the fee's than go with regrade.

    No Guts,,, No Glory image

    GrandAm image
    GrandAm :)

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