cart before the horse?

So, I had an item listed at $925 with a buy it now (no best offer option on it). Someone bought it (meaning, clicked buy it now, not paid yet) and then after that emailed me asking if I could do $700 instead. I'd might have been inclined to negotiate if the email came before him clicking buy-it-now, but it just seems odd to me to receive that message in the order I did. I don't want to lose the sale, but this sure is a new one on me. Thoughts?
I sent the invoice right away but I did not reply to the email. Guess he had a change of heart. Full payment just came through a minute ago. Whether he made a mistake or just had poor form, either way, looks like it worked out without conflict. I am definitely surprised at that, but I'll take it in this case.
<< <i>You probably plan to but just in case make sure it is shipped with signature confirmation. >>
Was definitely planning on it, but that is always a good reminder of advice to have here in type for people to see.