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1882 shield nickel.

Nickel people little help.Any thoughts on whats going on with this date?


  • RayboRaybo Posts: 5,328 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Typical for Shield's, my 1883 has the same "mushiness" in the motto.
  • Walkerguy21DWalkerguy21D Posts: 11,484 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm going to guess it's from a partially filled die. Howards will be able to tell you more if he logs in.

    I'd recommend checking out this site also:

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  • BodinBodin Posts: 1,012 ✭✭✭
    I believe that the Cherry Pickers Guide mentions that there is a common Die Chip found in the 2 on 1882s. No premium attached.
    I have been wrong twice before though. Last time was 1990.
  • howardshowards Posts: 1,239 ✭✭✭
    As others have already mentioned, this is a common 1882 with a filled 2. This particular example does not show as much fill as many others. This web page has more info:

    1882 filled 2

    If you think there may be more going on with the date than the web page discusses, I would need much better close-up photos of the date to comment.

  • Thank you for your time and help.Your post was very informative and educational for me.It's people like you that bring me here,and don't mind helping when needed.Thank you..................

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