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Same Card - Different Insert in PSA Holder

I have several examples of a card I am collecting where the insert used is nice and close to the card, making it difficult for the card to canter one way or another. I picked up a few new cards on eBay recently and noticed that while they are the same card and variation, they are holdered in a larger insert, allowing the card to move around in the holder. I'm a little curious about the "why?" but more importantly, if I sent these back for a reholder to use the more snug insert, would PSA do this? Has anyone ever successfully had a card reholdered to get tighter insert within the holder? If so, how did you put that on the form?
The N8 Collection: PSA Registry Sets & Showcases


  • I believe it is due to minor variations in card size.

    I recently sent a card in for reholdering that was holdered with the insert and wrote on the bottom of the submission form "please holder without inner insert" (or something to that effect). When I received it back, my request was granted. Though, it is impossible to know whether PSA listened to me and or whether they would have reholdered without the insert anyway.
  • dytch2220dytch2220 Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭
    Thanks charrigan. When I get the cards I'll measure to see if they'd fit within the smaller insert and then give the reholder a shot. It would drive me crazy to have a few in a differently constructed holder.
    The N8 Collection: PSA Registry Sets & Showcases
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    I think you're talking about different things, if I understand correctly. I think Nate is talking about the dimensions of the actual "cavity" the card sits in, while I'm pretty sure Casey is talking about the mylar sleeve that prevents movement.
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