"Capitalism requires the discipline of losses being taken by those responsible, the firing of incompetents and the destruction of imprudent lenders."
Capitalism failed Greece, they need something different. Who's next? >>
I'm sure the Chavistas will be happy to give them the template, of course Syriza already seems to be applying many of those "effective" non capitalistic policies, that the mensa's in Venezuela have used to make their nation so prosperous. I feel sorry for the Greeks.
“I invited have Alexis Tsipras, comrade Alexis, to visit us as soon as he can here in Venezuela. He plans to come to Latin America. He mentioned all the pressures that he is under. Because of a savage, savage neo-liberal system that has been applied in Greece,” said the president.
Said the bus driver, I'm sure between them, they could come up with some great ideas. Maybe Syriza can take over all of the Greek supermarkets before it's too late.
<< <i>
<< <i>No consequences for the little guy either....
There's a big difference between a private company making that decision vs. a government bailout that soaks unsuspecting taxpayers. No equivalency. >>
Really. I guess I went to far to expect you to see individual responsibility. >>
Maybe those individuals are finally stepping up to the plate. Hopefully individual responsibility will spread like wildfire.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
"Capitalism requires the discipline of losses being taken by those responsible, the firing of incompetents and the destruction of imprudent lenders."
Capitalism failed Greece, they need something different. Who's next?
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
<< <i>the future of Greece
"Capitalism requires the discipline of losses being taken by those responsible, the firing of incompetents and the destruction of imprudent lenders."
Capitalism failed Greece, they need something different. Who's next? >>
I'm sure the Chavistas will be happy to give them the template, of course Syriza already seems to be applying many of those "effective" non capitalistic policies, that the mensa's in Venezuela have used to make their nation so prosperous. I feel sorry for the Greeks.
Said the bus driver, I'm sure between them, they could come up with some great ideas. Maybe Syriza can take over all of the Greek supermarkets before it's too late.
Why the EU will cave in to Greek demands
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL